🙄 Rule
🙄 Rule
🙄 Rule
Republicans have the Presidency, the House, the Senate, a majority on the Supreme Court, a majority of state and local legislatures, and a cabinet full of rich billionaires.
Republicans: We are punks fighting The Man!
American conservatives have been frighteningly effective at pushing this narrative that they are the outsiders, that they're fighting against the status quo, so it doesn't surprise me that they would steal punk.
They consider it a radical act to be straight, white, and Christian, when in fact that always has been, and still is the majority, as well as those who hold the money and the power.
From my perspective, this has been one of their most successful moves and it's been brewing for decades - look at the tea party. There has never been a leftist or even liberal machine to rage against, but pretending that there is gets all the normies to feel special and oppressed at the same time, culminating in this fucking shitshow you have over there.
Fuck these Nazis
There has never been a leftist or even liberal machine to rage against,
I wouldn't rage against him, but The Iron Giant is a pretty leftist machine.
Same with British conservatives …the media all push right wing politics, but it’s the left that are brainwashed. Does my nut in.
No they are fucking not.
No, absolutely not
Fuck conservatives and Nazis stealing words from the people respecting individualism
They already stole 'libertarian' and 'freedom' from us.
I'll never give them 'Punk'
Fuck those assholes
This! Most punks are from leftist countercultures. Let’s keep it that way.
(They are also trying to steal “anarchism” with their whole “anarcho-capitalism” BS)
Nothing says punk like the haircut on the poster at the barber shop in the mall.
Most of those are not even that conservative as pundits tho, and have been caught by hot mics or admitted they're mostly in it for the money. Which is, arguably, worse.
If the guy on the right is Paul Joseph Watson, then he was caught on a hot mic being more racist than normal.
Edit: Which is impressive, given how racist "normal" is for Pee Jay Dubs...
I would have maybe the littlest bit of respect if they had convictions for what they claimed to be arguing for but people like PJW and Milo are genuinely just money-driven ghouls.
I get making a bag in capitalism, but fuck these people even more. There's a limit to making money.
Lol good luck. Everybody in the punk scene has been calling out maga and Republicans.
They keep saying that and yet they refuse to build systems of gutter trash mutual aid, which any punk knows is the foundation of every punk scene. It's a bunch of 20 something alcoholics crashing on each other's couches, running books to prisoners programs, and taking on so much antifascist labor they crack under the pressure.
conservative punks be like "Nazi Punks Please Quiet Down At The Premises"
"Nazi punks stand back and stand by"
Conservative punks be like "I like Nazis"
Trey Parker makes one comment about saying you like George Bush is punk rock in L.A. and conservstives have been slowmotion orgasming over it for twenty years.
Yeah, conservatives remind me of all those times I hung out in punk houses watching people eating dumpster dived food and stitch up deep lacerations with fishing line because they couldn't afford food or medical insurance.
Conservashits talk shit about everyone and then try to steal their culture
That is, indeed, nauseating
The hair says it all. These people are fucking chonks.
If anyone wants on deep dive into the topic, I recommend this video essay by Cal Does Life.
I'm the real 4th Reich you'd be the first to go.
For good measure:
Anyone here remember Negative XP? Yeah like, we had this discussion 6 years ago or smt. Although I would never agree with this fascist piece of shit, what I take of this thumbnail is indicative of a very real phenomenon. Western countries becoming more progressive and integrating values of former counter-cultures over the last decades actually is doing new-right/alt-right movements a favor – at the moment, at least. If we're lucky it will backfire in a few years.
no. tolerating nazis and turning the algorithms that control like 99% of our culture into nazification pipelines did nazis a favor.
giving them a pass for every fucking transgression and punishing everyone who ever tried to stand up to them did nazis a favor.
treating them like they're reasonable opposition and pumping the golden mean shit did nazis a favor.
Follow me here. Society has become very accepting, and progressives have been very successful in the long run (as is the norm). That makes being a conservative "counter-culture."
Society is still addicted to hierarchy. Punks are against hierarchy. Conservatives fucking love hierarchy.
Conservatives may be counter culture, but they will never be punk.
I wrote my own comment before seeing yours. I see what you are getting at, but this is all theatre. Straight white Christians still hold the power and the wealth, it just suits the oligarchy to pretend they don't.
But even if they don't, the counterculture was a push for freedom and the left may sometimes be incendiary and contains its issues with how we interact with hisrorically prioritized groups, ultimately we're not saying that people shouldn't be allowed to be straight or white or Christian. What we're saying is that straightness, whiteness, and Christianity shouldn't be prioritized over others. Christians are the harder group to reconcile with as many see the right to oppress as fundamental to their religion, but outside of that nobody minds that Joe believes in Jesus if he's not making it our problem