The DNC is that smug asshole whose entire TED talk is saying "We need to find new solutions" and then patting himself on the back for bodly going where others have already gone.
My brother got denied enlistment into the Air Force because he has a slight tremor in one hand. What makes you believe anyone with serious chronic health issues is going get in over him?
Does Lemmy have a r/justbootthings equivalent?
Last one on the ice is a penis pump!
Yes, but can I dance to it?
Or maybe they just grok things more effectively via verbal instruction and visual aids?
Some people use it to maintain contact with long distance friends and family. Especially in scenarios where other methods are prohibited by time zone and expense. It's also been used by whistleblowers to expose government corruption and illegal corporate machinations.
Just because it's primary use case has been altered to favor brainrot and slop doesn't mean it totally lacks value or usability for other uses.
You know you can just educate people, right? lts a lot more constructive than being an arrogant dick who expects everyone to arrive at all scenarios with perfect knowledge.
Mentally perceive sounds as color. I don't get the visual effect as with true synesthesia but more like my mind says "that sound is blue" when I hear it.
This is the most English comment I have ever read.
Luigi Mangione did nothing wrong.
You need to step outside your myopic manboy bubble of video games and dank memes and start recognizing the shit that's going around you for what it is: fascism.
I wish I could live to see the day where citing the Bible in support of an argument gets you laughed out of the fucking room.
- Those are called tankies and nobody likes them. Especially those of us on the left.
- "Marginalizing the majority". Yeah, because white Americans are so marginalized with their hegemonic control over the state and capital.
- Oh, no! The economy is tanking because Juan from Chiapas got a job picking oranges for a Dole contractor in California for less than federal minimum wage because his shitbird boss pays him under the table. Do you know how fucking stupid that sounds?
No, there is no world outside of politics. The personal is political. Choosing to associate with ignorant bigots says more about your values than any half-cocked appeal to moderation.
Those mental gymnastics you perform daily to justify being friends with hateful morons must be twice as exhausting.
I love telling transphobes that they're only mad because the ladies' dick's are bigger than theirs.
Have you ever considered that your buddy just might be a fucking idiot?
Reminds me of this dipshit I saw in a Starbucks once wearing one of those anti-welfare t shirts. He spent a good 20 minutes bragging to this poor young woman working the counter about how hard of a worker he is and that people on welfare are parasites.
When she asked him what he did, he sheepishly responded that he did a few hours a week of per diem work at UPS. She just rolled her eyes and asked him if he needed anything in that "buy something or get fuck out" tone.
After he left, she started talking to another employee about how much of a tool he was. The other coworker responded that he pulls this goofy anti-welfare ranting shit to try and impress new girls and that he actually lives with his parents and collects state aid himself.