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Privacy — why should I care

Hi 👋 just shared the site with one of my buddies and he told me he doesn’t care much about it because there’s no way you’ll be 100% privacy enforced since you’re using an iPhone and sharing your location, name, birthdate , personal files, photos.

I’ve to say this gets to me but on the other side I’m also respectful of everyone‘s opinion because after all, this is what makes us special

How are you handling these circumstances usually, do you say something?

    1. This sort of "all or nothing" nonsense is a fairly common counterargument. The answer is "do what you can".
    2. Don't use an iPhone
    3. If you do use an iPhone, you can absolutely limit the amount and type of information Apple has about you.
    4. Apple is not exactly notorious for actually giving anyone your information. Unlike most tech giants, they're not an advertising service, so don't have much motive. They're not the best but much better than, say, Google.
    • 2 is almost as bad as the all or nothing approach. I argue that while Apple is not trustworthy, they are not incentivized to collect every piece of information about you that they can. Conversely, android is an operating system created by an advertising company specifically to ensure an ongoing corner on their market. Asking the average person to use a DeGoogled OS is akin to telling them to switch to OpenBSD on their desktop.

      • Completely disagree. You can't use iPhones with anything but iOS. And you can't install any apps Apple hasn't put their fucking rubber stamp and collected taxes on. For that reason, it is not and never will be viable. Not to mention being overpriced and disposable.

        Android may be created by an advertising company but they also give you the ability to run whatever OS you want and strip it of Google's proprietary software completely. These days you can install OS like Graphene by simply plugging in your phone and clicking buttons in your browser.

    • I would argue that, out of the two smartphone OSes available, iOS is the better choice for most people. They’ve done far more than Google at making sure nobody (even them), can access your data without your permission by putting encryption into a lot of their services.

      In contrast, Google wants, and gets, access to everything about your life. And they’re more than willing to share that data with the government, or anyone that will pay them. And while the best option would be deGoogled Android, that’s something that most people aren’t going to be willing to use, even if they’re wising up to the need to take privacy seriously.

      Privacy isn’t an all-or-nothing. Usually it’s better for each person to consider if they really need fully secure, or if a iPhone that does far more than the bare minimum at protecting their privacy is enough for them

  • Well it's not about 100% privacy, because that's pretty much impossible, it's about MINIMIZING the amount of information they have about us, that information they can use in a variety of detrimental ways against us, to manipulate public opinion and keep us herded in and controlled, apart from money they make from selling it of course.

    It's not a collective effort towards changing the general people or anything idealistic like that, since big tech is not gonna disappear no matter how big privacy-focused stuff gets (and it's certainly powerful enough to crush all alternative projects if they start growing too much, they'll never let themselves get overpowered), I view it rather as an individual measure to resist them ultimately thinking for me and guiding my life or my criteria or how I see myself and others.