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  • "But there are so many rich people in America!"

    Yes, and they got they way by designing the absolute most efficient system in the world for extracting all the money from everyone else.

  • Makes me think of Original Position / veil of ignorance

    The original position (OP), often referred to as the veil of ignorance, is a thought experiment often associated with the works of American philosopher John Rawls. In the original position, one is asked to consider which principles they would select for the basic structure of society, but they must select as if they had no knowledge ahead of time what position they would end up having in that society. This choice is made from behind a "veil of ignorance", which prevents them from knowing their ethnicity, social status, gender, and (crucially in Rawls's formulation) their or anyone else's ideas of how to lead a good life. Ideally, this would force participants to select principles impartially and rationally.

  • Thanks, I'd like to end up somewhere that isn't like playing fucking Russian Roulette. I'll take one of those Nordic countries where everyone's got enough, they pay teachers like doctors, and people actually care about science.