Peace Is Hard To Bear
Peace Is Hard To Bear
Peace Is Hard To Bear
Does he have a cards? Have he any cards?
hAvE yOu eVeN sAiD ThAnK YoU oNcE???
He's got to get a suit first.
Not visible: the Chinese "rebuild" crew waiting at the bear's arsehole.
This is a great cartoon.
This reminds me of historical political cartoons we studied in US history class it's so good
Man, look at that tongue. Russia-bear needs to lay off the cigarettes.
If you know you know
And the vodka
C'mon, be realistic! /s
Who is Selenskyi?
Also, citations please.
In German language an "s" followed by a vowel is pronounced as /z/. The official German way of writing Zelenskyj's name is indeed Wolodymyr Selenskyj.
Otherwise, no idea what the deleted comment was saying. Germany's leftists have a very pro-Russian (and thereby pro-fascist, which is weird!) subculture, so I have my guesses, though.