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Did your parents choose each other or were they in an arranged marriage? + Are they good people, in your opinion?

My parents were in an arranged marriage in China, they argue like every week. They are toxic af.

I wonder if people who freely choose their partners have less toxic families... 🤔

  • Mine chose each other and were ok people. Not ideal parents, they were emotionally distant which has left me with some mental garbage but they weren't cruel, didn't fight much, and generally tried to do the right thing.

  • They chose one another, and are toxic af. They argued constantly, my mom physically, mentally, and emotionally abused me all my childhood and still tries.

    Shortly after I was born, my dad bought a small adobe house 18 miles from town, it had 1 pull string light and one plug socket in each room. There was no bathroom, and no indoor plumbing when we moved into it. My mom grew up in NYC and could not cope with this. Everything my dad did he did for the betterment of the family, my mother saw anything not directly for her as a slight against her.

    The fighting and abuse got so bad I used to try to get my dad together with my friends with single mothers moms.

    Mom mother finally moved out of the house a few years ago. It has been the best thing for their relationship.

  • My parents ostensibly chose each other, but it's really more like my mother preyed upon my father. He's a bit younger than her, not as educated, was shy and not overly ambitious, and perfect for her campaign of modeling someone into what she wanted. My aunt says he used to have a great group of buddies back in the 60s when they met, and one by one she weeded them out of his life and replaced them with people she thinks had higher social status. This tape has recycled itself routinely throughout their lives as she discards someone and finds someone new to glom onto for a while and try and be them. She has him totally under her thumb, and she's a vicious monster who regards other humans like furniture she rearranges.

    People didn't know much about borderline personality disorder in the 60s when they met, and he's too shy and unable to defend himself, and while they do squabble, she always wins. He has very little insight into how toxic she is, and goes along with all her psychotic shit, like how nobody can use a bathmat and you can just slip and slide on the wet floor, or how you can't keep the toaster or kettle on the counter and have to put it immediately back in the cupboard burning hot, because her narcissism means everything has to look like a museum.

    He dated some woman before her, just a girl really, who was chubby I guess, and my mother spent one dinner with extended family joyfully insulting this woman, who he last laid eyes upon probably 40 years prior, and asking him repeatedly with vicious gleeful delight if he remembered "the ball", meaning this chubby girl. My spouse wanted to clock her in the teeth. We were all just kind of numb to her behavior then and tried to ignore it, but not long after I awoke to who she really was and haven't seen them since. It's sad, but she regards me as a piece of lost property really, and I don't think there's a good enough therapist in the world to wake him up to how dangerous she is.

  • As my mom was becoming an adult, women in my country still couldn't have their own bank accounts nor could they vote. So how much choice did she have? She could stay under her abusive father's control, or roll the dice on marrying a guy who had minimal red flags. They're fine, they had kids and are still married decades later. But I can't really say she was able to freely choose.

    I am mixed on how they did as parents. I have no doubt they mostly did what they thought was the right thing. I just strongly disagree with them on some things they believed to be right. Like I wasn't given certain vaccines as a kid, not because my parents thought they would cause autism, but because my parents thought Hep C would only be caught by drug users and sexually promiscuous people. And their kids would never.

  • They chose each other and they're good people.

    My wife asked my mom what made her decide to marry my dad - which is something I never thought to ask - and my mom said that nobody else asked her. They've been together now for 49 years or something.

  • My mom chose all four of her husbands, leaving each one for the next - except for the last, who she was with until he died of Alzheimer's.

    After my mom, my dad married a woman he's been with since. They're perfect for each other.

    According to my mom, her last husband was "the one." She was with him longer than the other three, combined, and by all accounts they were good happy together. I didn't know him that well; they married long after I'd left home and was moving around the world living my own life.

  • I wonder if people who freely choose their partners have less toxic families... 🤔

    Hahahahahahahahahaha... No.

    My parents chose each other. My father is an awful uneducated narcissist snd my mother is deep down a good person who was a terrible parent because she was similarly uneducated and lived in fear of everything and looked only to religion for answers. It sucked. I have boatloads of mental health issues snd resentment about it all. A lot of the time I wish I had just been aborted.

    • People are wrongly assuming that more people = more good.

      That's however not how it works. What matters is the quality of life, not the quantity. Lots of people choose to have children that they simply cannot take good care of, and that sucks. I'm sorry for your situation

      However please do not resent your life over your parent's mistakes. Your parent's mistakes are your parent's mistakes and not yours. If anything, feel spite for/against them, but not against yourself. Hate the system that caused the circumstances, not yourself.

      • Hate the system that caused the circumstances, not yourself.

        Oh I do, and I hate that my parents are fully bought into that system and prioritized it over supporting me. Literally my whole life I have been made to feel less important than my mothers fucking house. I literally said to her recently that I was the only person paying attention to what was going on and she was so concerned with dying comfortably in her six bedroom fucking house that could be ten bedrooms if she had ever improved it that also has a fucking pool and a massive plot of undeveloped land that she lived in all alone that she never noticed our country was getting taken over by fucking Nazis. It was literally a choice to live beyond her means and never, ever have the ability to help me other than just barely keeping me off the streets. As I've said to her while she was busy playing fucking Barbie Dream House and teaching her dumbfuck daughter to do the same I was realizing how politically fucked we are for the last twenty five years. I was voting and getting involved while she checked out because she needed to play house so god damned bad. She said she was doing it for her grandchildren (because fuck me right for being too poor to have kids while my sister shat out some rugrats without a plan) but if she had ever given a shit about anyone's future but her own maybe she would have gotten her ass out and fucking voted. Also she will probably lose the house to old age care and no one, especially not her fucking grandkids, will benefit from any of it except her. I'm so glad you got your dream house and I'll probably die on the streets you selfish cunt.

        My dad was somehow even worse and lived up to every terrible stereotype of a Use Car Salesman you can imagine, and then some.

  • My mother chose my father. Toxic relationship, divorced in two years.

    My mother chose my stepfather. Wholesome relationship, still married some dozen years later.

  • Chose each other and are good enough people. They have recently been maybe a little more stressed over money troubles due to their bank account/my mom's cards being targeted (and I swear they refuse to change banks only because my dad's job goes through them), but overall are about the same as always.

  • My parents chose each other. Are they good people? Sure. But they had a ton of problems and split when I was in high school.

    My grandmother, my dad's mom, she was a terrible person. Very difficult to be around. I'm sure that's why my dad has the issues he does. He ended up abandoning our family, and he's very... Well, he's passive-aggressive and will do almost anything to avoid conflict. Which doesn't sound terrible, but that means he avoids us when he thinks we'll confront him with anything. It was frustrating for a very long time but now I just accept that we'll never have a close relationship because of it.

    He remarried about 10 years ago now. We get along okay except she's an alcoholic and has a really awful temper. After a specific incident in which she screamed at me over something very minor, I decided I was done trying to foster a relationship with her and now it's very at arms length. Oh well.

    My mom, she and I are close but her issues are very much wrapped up in my brother, who also has issues. They're very co dependent, and my brother takes advantage of her. He sucks her dry of resources and refuses to do anything on his own. He's in his late 30's and it's still going on.

    No, people who choose each other can be very toxic.