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  • Water.
    If the cup is not full enough, I'll top it up (and spill the amount again once I get to my table).

  • This depends on the water temperature. I boil mine, so I pour water first, wait a bit, then put the bag. If I do the other way around, sometimes the tea gets burnt and tastes too bitter, which I don't like.

    I could also heat the water to a lower temperature but I don't have one of those fancy kettles with temp selection, and I usually get distracted to interrupt the kettle before it boils. But, if the water is hot enough already but not just boiled, then I'll put the bag first, then the water second.

  • For me:

    1. Cup.
    2. Reusable metal tea infuser.
    3. Loose leaf tea.
    4. press button on Japanese instant hot water dispenser
      • (this was probably the best $200 I've ever spent, fucking worth every dollar).
  • The microwave is a fundamental part of the Make Tea -> Forget About Tea -> Reheat Tea cycle.

    Also, I have to put the bag in first, because otherwise I've no idea how much room I need to leave for it (which you'd think I'd be able to eyeball by now, but apparently not).

  • Teabag

    Boiling water

    Leave a for a couple of minutes

    Remove teabag

    Add milk

    Kids distract me so I never end up drinking it

  • An interesting alternative that I've found (for when making English breakfast or something similar) is to steep the teabag in the milk first before adding the hot water. I find that it cuts down on the bitterness and makes a much smoother tea.

  • Put the tea in a tea infuser thingy. Boil water in a kettle. Pour water in teapot. Let infuse required number of minutes depending the tea. Remove tea holder from tea pot. Enjoy nice tea ;)

  • Teabag, sugar, then water and milk.

    I'm not sure how normal this is, largely because this is coming from the same person who pours milk before her cereal LMAO

  • Water then bag: I brew in a pot and used to use one of those diffuser baskets that rests just below the lid. I switched to bags but kept the order of operations the same.

  • I put some extra fiber and collagen protein in my tea, so I put that in first, pour in the heated water, stir, and then the tea bag. If I'm away and don't have those available, the tea bag first all the way.