Multiple Teslas set on fire in Germany
Multiple Teslas set on fire in Germany

German police said that four vehicles were set on fire in Berlin on Friday morning, and that political motives could not be ruled out.

Multiple Teslas set on fire in Germany
German police said that four vehicles were set on fire in Berlin on Friday morning, and that political motives could not be ruled out.
Imagine you buy a car and it gets burned down because the owner of the car company turns out to be a Nazi.
I would like Tesla to go bankrupt too but cheering on regular peoples property being destroyed is wrong.
Hopefully they had bubble insurance and now they're freed of their magamobile and can buy something better.
it could've caught fire on its own, it's a tesla.
you should've known that when you bought the car too, before you knew about the nazism.
Sure, I have some sympathy for those who bought them years ago.
But let's not mince words. If you buy a Tesla today, you are literally a Nazi collaborator.
Those who bought a Tesla much earlier were more like one of those few people who bought one of Hitler's paintings during his starving artist phase.
So many people on social media cheering for vandalizing other people’s private property just because they disagree with the politics of the maker of their cars. Wild.
Because this is one of the only ways to attack a billionaire.
Read this thread man. People have become fucking deranged, cheering on destroying the property of people who likely had no reason to believe they'd be making car payments to a Nazi.
Frankly if you're not out canvassing for politicians you support or helping organize a union or something but you can find the time to cheer on the destruction of what is likely a worker's property, you need to get a grip.
If you own a Telsa, sell it. It sucks but Muskrat is actually dismantling decades of institutional organization. He's an threat to our country and when it collapses he'll just fly to the next country while we burn.
Flood the market with used Swasticars that nobody wants to be associated with and nobody will buy the new ones. Money is the only thing they understand.
He's got the president of the u.s. on the front lawn hucking his cars, it's hilarious and sad.
Funny house suddenly Teslas have become more valuable as an insurance payout then they are as a car.
Genius move
Like I don’t like vandalism (wow heroic statement) but urgh if it happens to regular people who also just work and live paycheque to paycheque, it sucks
If you live paycheck to paycheck you don't own a Teala in Germany.
What are you talking about? Those could've been sold and the money used to help poor people.
Now it's just a waste.
You really think the owners are going to sell their tesla to give to the poor? Elon sure isn't and only celebrities and those in similar situations where money doesn't matter would do it. That you make this as a serious argument is wild.
Germans can be depended upon to do the right thing.
Fuck yeah!
That's why people use this sticker
They should have one to cover up the Tesla logo saying Evil Nazi Scumbag made this
People who bought Teslas years ago are like people who bought Hitler's paintings during his "starving artist" phase.
He was never really a balanced people but I didn't understand why people were already disgusted by his behaviours before his latest shows.
Then I discovered he was the classic old style entrepreneur against unions.
Now I came to know he only had male sons (in vitro selected sex), 14 males.
The problem is not him, it's that system which is completely insane. The altered genomes of twin baby girls that happened in China is almost ok from an ethical pov if compared, it had a medical target at least.
Oh dear ! Must be those batteries spontaneously combusting. I remember when that used to happen to Samsung phones a while back.
Were they really set on fire, or did their batteries just explode? This could very well be another case of the new and improved Pinto spontaneously going off.
What do you call it when half the Teslas in a showroom are on fire?
A good start.
A waste of resources.
They all could've been sold and the money used to help poor people.
Now there's nothing. Yay.
"Oh no!
There should be a contest which region / country / city lights up the most.
Today i am not ashamed to be german for once :)
At what point do the board members and shareholders fire Herr Musk?
Well, one of the board members is his brother and the rest are loyalists so probably not until a shareholder revolt.
That's fine. Let him run it into the ground. No skin off my nuts
Hence the car sales show at the White House, generating some PR to pump up the stock. It worked, for now.
Ya, I saw they are all dumping Tesla stock too. LOL.
Au contraire it's surely time for his bonus
He culled everyone that wasn't his lacky early on including the actual founders
Well that’s terrible. You naughty, naughty Germans.
It’s just a Roman bonfire my doods!
FTFY: political motives common sense could not be ruled out.
Hell yeah
Poor quality lithium batteries.
does this count as an attack on America?
This is not the solution.
Those could've been sold and the money used to help poor people.
Really puts into perspective how smart you people are for cheering for this. Bunch of knuckle-dragging neanderthals.
So did you already sold all your possessions to help the poor? That question is just as absurd as your comment.
There is no "solution" here, vehicles are not meant to be "solutions" by using their diminishing value to get money to help the poor. If they were, you would be saying this to EVERYONE that owns one, not even public transportation should be safe from your rhetoric.
This is the exact same mindset that makes fElon think that he can just give money to the UN and magically world hunger would be gone. No, simply no.
No... but if we're going to burn these vehicles why not reclaim and sell them instead?
All of you "smart" people are making the same argument that the owners of these vehicles would have to choose to sell them. Did they choose to have them set on fire? No. So we can sell the vehicles instead of setting them on fire and use the money to help those in need.
Wow. It's so sad this needs to be spelled out for you people, but it's to be expected at this point.
What's your alternative? It has to be something that actually works
Instead of burning the cars without the owners' permission, take them and sell them.
Use the money to help those in need.
Too many "smart people" in this comment chain assume that I mean asking the owners nicely to sell them. Did we ask the owners nicely to set the cars on fire?
Really puts into perspective how smart ya'll are.
I do not condone violence but if you must act violently, at least target the dealership, not random people’s private property.
Why did I just think of this bullshit after reading your comment?
Because your herd mentality causes you to assume the crowd is correct no matter what.
If the car owners sold the car, they'd have cash but no car. And apparently they need a car, else why have it in the first place. So no, the money was never going to feed the poor.
Now the owners will get compensated by their insurance and can make a smarter choice for the replacement vehicle. Tesla owners get a message, and they only one hurt is the insurer.