You have to pick one
You have to pick one
You have to pick one
If they're being launched by the same spring mechanism you're better off with the bowling ball than a little glass bullet.
Depends, how tight is the spring? At high velocity i'd guess a marble will penetrate the body, where at low velocity a marbel would be easier to stop
I think they’ll both be exactly the same difficulty to stop due to conservation of energy. If the spring used is the same for both the bowling ball and the marble, the bowling ball is going to be going much, much slower than the marble.
And a low velocity marble would translate to a bowling ball bumping into your toe, so I’m not sure what you think the advantage would be there
I think that spring still leaves ambiguity. A very thick, powerful spring like that in an ejection seat could probably get the bowling ball airborne, but wouldn't actually impart anywhere near the same amount of energy on the marble.
A small elastic band like that used in a slingshot on the other hand would have difficulty getting the bowling ball to fly at all but could turn the marble into a bullet.
Whichever is most likely to kill me at its velocity
Are you okay
I mean, you cold just shove the marbles down your throat, but failing that... I know what it's like to hope that someone pummels you to death with a bowling ball. I hope you don't genuinely feel that way, but if you do, there are people here - myself included - who would be happy to offer advice to try and not feel that way, or at least provide some temporary relief from that feeling.
And that goes to anyone else reading this who feels that way: no matter where you are in your head, there's a way out of the darkness. Take it from someone who's been there ❤️
If they both have the minimum energy to kill you, the marble will probably do it faster.
no I don't
They have the same momentum (the marble will kill you)
(The bowlingball will also kill you)
A bowling ball imparted with the momentum from a slingshot won't even have the energy to stay air-borne.
The marble imparted with the momentum from a slingshot will fracture or even penetrate your skull.
Momentum is mv. However, kinetic energy is (1/2)mv^2, where the velocity is providing exponentially more to the equation.
What happens if you shoot them against each other with the same momentum?
I'm not a Physicist but since they have the same momentum, the marble will have a higher velocity. Let us assume the bowling ball weighs 6000 gm and the marble weighs 20 gm (average weight), the velocity ratio of the marble to bowling ball is 300:1 (300 times faster).
If we assume that both of them are made of the same material, and you throw the bowling ball at 1 m/s, then the marble is launched at nearly Mach 1. I'm pretty sure it will create a neat hole in the bowling ball.
I could be very wrong as well.
They shatter. And everyone in the vicinity dies by shrapnel.
This is what I assumed. Assuming its non-injurious, the marble will sting a lot more, on the other hand, I'd be under a bowling ball (or holding it.)
If its at a significantly injurious amount of momentum, there is no right answer.
How far are you from the source?
A ways away, I'm not worried about the bowling ball, but that marble will fucking end you.
I choose to imagine they both have equal kinetic energy.
The bowling ball, because there are 9 other guys with me, we are all dressed in white, and we're standing in a triangular pattern because we are, in fact, bowling pins.
We get it you have friends, Geez!
I hope someone knocks this guy and their friends on their arses.
Depends on the speed. If the bowling ball is moving slower than 10 kph and the marble is moving at ballistic speed of 1000 kph, I would take the bowling ball.
Both are moving just under Mach 1
Oh so the real question is: would you rather die by musket or cannon?
Everything is moving at just under Mach 1 if your scale is from zero to lightspeed.
Or if your frame of reference isn't the same as the object
Then the marble. It would leave a smaller hole.
The bowling ball. Cause fuckem that's why
Is the relative force and distance the same for each? Are they rolled at you?
The bowling ball has more friction so at the same force would be less when it reached you.
The bowling ball has a lower friction to mass ratio and will therefore slow down less
Assuming perfect spheres there is similar or the same friction with the surface it rolls along for both and much larger air resistance for the bowling ball.
Mass doesn't matter because it is a component of Force which is initially equal for both. The acceleration and speed will be different for both to make forces equal.
The bowling ball will lose more of the force than the marble regardless of which slows down faster.
Are the pictures to scale?