Rahm Emanuel Is Gearing Up to Run for President
Rahm Emanuel Is Gearing Up to Run for President
Rahm Emanuel Is Gearing Up to Run for President
Fuck that guy. He should never have been allowed to have any position in the Biden administration and that anyone is treating him as a viable presidential candidate is everything wrong with the Democratic establishment. Shitty people need to be able to be left behind by the party, not continually recycled because they knew important people.
We can all agree that he's better than Joe Liebermann, and "better than" is evidently the only test for worthiness to be president.
I guess AIPAC is letting Shapiro and Blinken sit for a bit to let some of the genocide support stink wear off.
Hard pass. Maybe the hardest pass of anyone considering running. He was a shitty chief of staff and a shitty mayor of Chicago. One of Biden’s smartest moves was to make him ambassador to Japan to keep him about as far away from the White House as you can get.
He could have just not given a guy who covered up a murder a job anywhere.
He ain’t it
Are you sure he's far enough to the right for the democratic party to not work to kill his campaign?
He tends to recommend far right positions and focuses on bringing republicans into DCCC leadership positions. He'll fit right in at the DNC, as they work hard to destroy what little is left of the party. He is a religious conservative from a legendarily conservative family, and his dad was a member of the irgun terrorist organization. Rahm is pro zionist war crimes, and tends to do things which disadvantage people with black skin. I think he's too far right for the republican party, so I guess democrats is where he'll run.
I can’t think of any Democrat who I’d want to be president. Which sucks because that’s who I have to vote for.
The Joe must go on!
Any D over any filthy republican traitor. But if I had my choice, AOC.
Tenatious D then?
Over a republican? Fuck yes.
You should probably learn about Rahm Emmanuel.
And fsck that “any D is better than R”. There are at least 20 other letters in the alphabet. Talk about accepting false framing.