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  • Is the common ground they found 6ft under? Otherwise, I'm not interested

  • Maybe we should elect more people that have a working class background to actually represent us instead of someone whose career started by founding a boutique winery with a billionaire heir family friend. Just a thought.

  • This is the behavior that will become more openly tolerated among Democrat leadership. There have been small microaggressions coming from liberals for the last 10 years leading up to this. The end result is shoving us back into the closets.

    • As soon as they realized they don't need the support of queer people to win or lose an election, now we're being discarded for their next grift to the public.

      Literally the election after the Democratic candidate ran anti-trans ads, said she'd follow the law of any state on trans people, and now Newsome is inviting himself to the Nazi table.

      I'm willing to bet Newsom will allow anti-trans bills to pass before his term is up because it will look "reasonable" to the Republicans who would never consider voting for him in the first place because he's a Democrat in "Commiefornia."

      If Harris was louder about her support of deporting and caging Mexicans, Newsom would find ways to violate the state constitution to do the same.

      I can't believe I supported this snake.

      • I started seeing this trend about 10-12ish years ago. And that was the last time I voted for a Democrat