Group photo at the European (w/ Canada) summit
Group photo at the European (w/ Canada) summit
Group photo at the European (w/ Canada) summit
Choice quote from Tusk at this meeting:
This is a paradox, listen to how it sounds: 500 million Europeans ask 300 million Americans to protect them from 140 million Russians. If you know how to count, rely on yourself,
Out of curiosity, where'd you get this version of the photo OP? Meloni did do an eye-roll (it appears at something the photographer said, not Trudeau), but most of the press releases went with a more dignified still.
Make Canada Great Again... by making it the 28th member of the EU, LET'S GOOOO!!?
The Avengers. (someone on the radio described it this way) 😆
Trudeau, Rutte and the one brown guy (who is that?) apparently missed the memo on looking miserable.
Edit: It's Antonio Costa of Portugal.
Meloni looking like she doesnt even want to be there and is so annoyed
What happened to Tusk's leg?
Skiing accident:
Check out that weasel boy amongst the men
What a shitty pic for 80% of them. Is that a full blown eye roll?
(I am for this group getting together like this, but what a badly timed photo for a bunch of people who professionally try to look good in photos)
Canada: You know, I'm somewhat of a European myself.
Then Turkey is the "First time?" hanging meme.
Unpopular take maybe…
Canada does not need to join the EU to increase trade and partnerships. More trade agreements and joint projects. The EU is a complicated political structure and joining it is unnecessarily complicateted.
And yet another Reddit staple arrives: The popular unpopular take.
Absolutely correct. There are plenty of mutually beneficial arrangements short of full membership. And an EU membership application process typically takes decades. We need solutions now.
Whatever you guys wanna do. I support canada being eu but if yall dont want it trade agreements is also good.
Trade agreements now, possible membership eventually, since that's how long the process usually takes anyway.
They don't need to join it as a full member to have trade and economic benefits. Simple (!) alignment with standards and regulations will allow free access to the market and free movement of people.
Is there any reason to not join the EU if we want to align standards, regulations, and allow free movement?
The only thing I can think of that would be a hard change would be our dollar. We could possibly negotiate to keep that though - I don't know if the EU is still making exceptions like that or if that was just at the beginning.
I don't think anyone in this picture seriously expects Canada to officially join the EU. The US would never allow such an interference with its manifest destiny. But we can make a close partnership even closer.
Not in the picture, but other folks in this posts comments are taking this possibility too seriously
Would Canada be interested in joining the EU? Might make sense considering what a bad neighbor the US has become.
Linking the recent CBC article.
Actually, I think there was multiples on the subject, but here's one. TL;DR sure, but it's not a switch you flip and there's a lot of useful things we have to get closer to the EU on first anyway.
I would love to join the EU, my grandpa immigrated to Canada from the Netherlands after WW2 but Netherlands doesn't offer citizenship to grandchildren ):
Would be nice to have the freedom of travel to the EU and vice versa if anyone wants to come over and visit Canada.
And Canada does have a land border with an EU country - Denmark. Canada and Denmark had a long standing border dispute over Hans island featuring multiple armed raids. It was resolved in a mature and sensible fashion to just divide the island. Good for all involved.
The only 'dispute' I know about on Hans island was the Whisky Dispute, which was resolved peacefully after years of soldiers 'claiming' the land by stealing each other's flags and leaving booze for each other. More like a very lazy game of capture the flag if you ask me.
Are these the armed raids you refer to?
And another (and older) maratime border with France.
It was resolved in a mature and sensible fashion to just divide the island.
Along the obvious seam that was there the whole time.
I'd hate to be the custom's agent posted there.
As a Canadian... we didn't know this was an option. But hell yeah, we'd join the EU.
This Canadian would be happy to join.
I think the EU is waiting to see if we get PP or not since we're on the brink of stupidity like the US was. If we elect a PM interested in being a civilized member of the global stage, I think we'll be invited in.
I would be happy if we at least could ratify CETA finally. Sheesh
I'm doubtful full membership will ever happen, and even an EEA Norway-style agreement where we adopt 75% of the EU's laws without representation but keep our fishing and agricultural policies (pre-requisites for the Atlantic and Prairie Provinces to agree), would take decades to be negotiated, signed and ratified with all the dysfunctional, proportional representational governments in Europe right now.
There's been discussions about "associate membership" in the EU to bypass the European-ness requirement, but I don't think that's gotten any traction.
I would be grateful for any kind of free movement agreement that gains traction right now, even with CARICOM or MERCOSUR.
Nonsense those countries with proportional representation are more stable and perform better on a variety of issues.
They score higher on the democracy index than we do.
Of course you're getting downvoted, this is the rational answer.
hungary will block it probably
At the very least, Canada should be allowed to participate in the Eurovision song contest!
It would be terrible for our country, just look at the impact the mere thought of tarrifs has had on our economy. A full renegotiation of the US Canada trade border would be chaos.
Europeans are cool and I wish we had your public transit, but EU membership of a NA country will never happen.
You're getting downvoted. But I agree with you.
Canada can accomplish most of its goals regarding diversifying its trade away from the U.S. without having to go to full EU status.
But I sure wouldn't mind having some of those lovely French nukes sitting on our southern border right now. If full EU membership is what it takes for that to happen, so be it.
A full renegotiation of the US Canada trade border would be chaos
But that is precisely what Trump is demanding now. Even though he tore up NAFTA and renegotiated the deal in his first presidency (I am sure I remember him saying it was the greatest trade deal ever signed and the greatest win for TrumpAmerica).
You beat me to it!
I was going to post this with the caption "Democracy's last stand" or something similar.
with so many foreign troops fighting for russia in ukraine, there is zero justification for european troops not to be fighting with the ukranians as well. zero. every day that uk & france aren't mobilzing and deploying troops to ukraine is just more european stalling until complete abandonment
I mean, there's great reasons not to have nuclear powers directly fighting each other.
This is not accurate, there a lot of different peoples fighting in the war but conflict within Ukraine is fought under Ukrainian and Russian flags only. North Koreans are deployed in Kursk region of the Russian Federation.
Edit: Korean under NK flag, they have military engineers deployed in donas region in support role but i think they are actually under RF flag
But technically Russia already popped the cherry on this, I will agree... if NK can deploy into Russia for combat operations why would not an EU state do the same?
nUclEaR wAr🤡
I think for the longest time the worry was that it would potentially be a NATO conflict. With Trump throwing everything out and them threatening to pull the US out of NATO I do sort of hope that gives Europe a reason to fight.
I wonder if they all coordinate their suit and ties for unity.
everyone wearing a suit get to show you how much braindead and corrupted they are