Americans have a credit card debt problem
Americans have a credit card debt problem
Credit card debt was the most common form of debt among U.S. adults, according to a survey conducted for Newsweek.
Americans have a credit card debt problem
Credit card debt was the most common form of debt among U.S. adults, according to a survey conducted for Newsweek.
No fucking shit. Income disparity does that to people.
if its anything like my country, i think we actually have a not enough money problem we bandaid over with credit card debt. their insistence on framing things like this shows who they really side with.
i dont need to mention i avoid credit cards at all costs, but i am.
Wage slavery.
I should be able to get a loan from the federal reserve on the same terms as banking institutions. This is supposedly OUR institution, why is it gatekept away from the general public?
Class based hierarchy, the cause of many societal ills.
Nothing lasts forever... but it most certainly can last longer then my life. Maybe next life.
I believe this article misses the real reasons: labor isn't paid enough.
Capital makes record profits but that isn't being shared with the people who do the work.
I'm in this boat too. I'm on track to pay it off completely by May but the damage is done: I clipped the card in two. I had originally used this card for emergencies and travel, but what happened is I used it to pay for a mover, and the debt has not moved much since.
If I have to travel with a debit card, I will find a way.
Looking at the debt numbers in the articles, I'm reminded of similar numbers before the 2008 crash and we are not in a place to recover if it happens again. Which it will.
moved much since
Your unsecured revolving accounts don't need to have such shit terms. Many credit unions are still offering sub 10% rates.
Clipping the card into is just about the best decision you could have possibly made. And not opening any new ones is the second best decision to make.
That’s awesome! I am not going to get through mine that quickly, but am aiming to be credit card debt free by 2026. Just hoping the economy doesn’t tank to the point that becomes impossible for me to do.
Good on you! See if you can do it by April instead. Find the extra money however you have to so you can be free that much earlier.