Bamboo spine
Bamboo spine
Bamboo spine is the name given to this image on xray
Bamboo spine
Bamboo spine is the name given to this image on xray
What are we looking at? (I get it's the spine, but what makes the image look the way it does?)
Akylosing Spondylitis. Im trying to follow those that replied to this thread. Seems a basic function but I cant see a follow button on Lemmy! can anyone tell me how to follow others?
I've read a little about A.S., but had no idea what it looked like.
I too have no idea how to follow someone.
I can answer this one due to first hand experience - it’s a condition caused by axial spondyloarthritis which is an autoimmune disease that attacks joints, in this case in the spine. Inflammation of joints leads to creation of osteophytes - bony projections that accumulate at the edges of vertebra that can form a bridge and fuse together. It is postulated that there’s a genetic component to this process because there are people who have inflammation but no excess of osteophytes without a solid reason but to be honest there are a lot of unknowns about this disease.
No idea why OP posted it though.