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  • forgetting what I was talking about mid-sentence

    asking someone what they just asked me to do 30 seconds ago because I didn't write it down fast enough

    doing requests immediately even if they're not urgent because otherwise I'll forget

    procrastinating showering long enough that my hair is visibly dirty 😞

  • Getting lost mid-sentence because my train of thought was taking another rail and forgot to tell my tongue, and then remembering neither what I was talking about nor what I was thinking about.

    Forgetting everything, everywhere, at all times.

    Inability to discern details in a space. Spent 15 minutes once desperately looking for my cane. Mother asked me what I was doing, I said searching for my cane. She pointed out it was on the chair, in plain sight. I couldn't have helped but look directly at it several times during that search, but my mind passed it over as a detail not worth registering.

    Executive dysfunction. Nothing ever got done. Most things didn't even get started.