PS5 Pro sales ‘have fallen behind PS4 Pro in the US
PS5 Pro sales ‘have fallen behind PS4 Pro in the US
The $700 console upgrade reportedly enjoyed a strong start at launch…
PS5 Pro sales ‘have fallen behind PS4 Pro in the US
The $700 console upgrade reportedly enjoyed a strong start at launch…
My PS5 will probably be my last non-Nintendo console. I use my Gaming PC for everything, Steam Deck for portable, and Switch for everything Nintendo.
I haven’t turned on my PS5 since Rebirth and my XSX for… Goldeneye? I don’t even remember it was so long ago.
There have been like 3 PS5 exclusive games that I wanted to play and they’ve all come to PC. Just don’t see the point anymore.
Can I recommend chiakideck? Playing PS5 games in bed using the steam deck is awesome, if there are any games that you have on console that you don't want to repurchase
Good. There were like six PS5 only games when they released it so I hope it does terribly - if you've bought one, you're an idiot.
"Let's just bleed em even drier" said Sony, careful not to cut its own lip on its vampire fangs.
Shocking. When your entire customer base asks "why?" When you announce a product that's usually a good indicator. Also wasn't it like 800 dollars?
I wouldn't know..I stopped falling for the console trap after PS3. Only thing since was a PS4 controller, for my PC
I wouldn't really call it a "trap". If you're buying a console when it's new at full price, sure, you're being taken for a ride, but give it a couple of years for stuff to be cheaper and it can work out reasonably well.
I used to be a major PC gamer but eventually the cost/benefit calculation went completely off the rails.
That said, I've not upgraded to the current console generation because I'm still waiting on something to justify it.
This reminds me of the Q&A section on Amazon product pages where someone will answer a question stating that they don't know because they didn't buy the item.
After my PS3 got the YLOD, I considered about purchasing a PS4, and then I thought: I would have to start from zero since it doesn't have backwards compatibility. So, I went back to PC and my whole catalogue was there waiting for me. They are indeed a trap.
$700, but I agree that this was a stupid product. If instead, they introduced the slim at $350 and the pro at $500, these things would be hard to find on store shelves.
Well, it really hasn’t given me much reason to upgrade from my PS4 Pro. So…Yeah…
PS3 backwards compatibility would’ve sold me though.
I thought I was losing my mind after seeing all the PS5 Pro praise. Glad to see that the numbers matched what my expectations were.
I do wonder if Sony bought out some influencers or something, because it was oddly counterintuitive amounts of praise.
The praise came from the people who have jobs being pixel peepers, not people who actually enjoy playing games.
From a perspective of it looking slightly better when you pause a game, take a screenshot, and enlarge it so you can then discuss about the fruity bokeh or whatever the shit, the PS5 Pro is much improved.
For everyone who just plays games on it, it's essentially unnoticeable.
(This applies a lot to PC gaming stuff as well, but it looks like nVidia stepped on their uh, leather coat, so hard with the 5000 series that not even the pixeleyist peepers had much positive to say.)
There was one publication that I was subscribed to, which I cannot recall the name of now, that just heaped article after article about how great the PS5 Pro was, and how it was revolutionizing gaming, how much better it was than the PS5, and how it's sold out everywhere and the best console ever created. Every single game that had a single digit framerate improvement was a full article about how awesome the Pro was.
Some hyperbole on my part, of course, but I did get sick of them praising the PS5 Pro, and the comments section following lock-step, so I ditched it. I just couldn't understand the dissonance in the communities, especially since neither produced numbers to back up claims.
I bet if I dug around my archived bookmark backups I could find it, and I bet they are still singing praises about the thing.
I assume that the PS5 Pro is great for its target audience: people who care about getting the best possible graphics on a console. They bought it, they tried it, they loved it, and they praised it. The issue with the PS5 Pro is that not everyone fits into that niche. For people who are not playing on giant 4K TVs, what is the benefit? What does it provide that a regular PS5 (or even a PS4) does not? Sony has not provided an answer, from what I have seen.
What would I even play on it?
Used PS3 games!
Don't forget emulated PS1 and PS2 games!
Related: I got PS+ for my birthday and saw they had Indiana Jones in the catalog and downloaded it without really looking. I thought it was the new one; it was a PS2 game. lol
There isn't any real incentive to upgrade from a base PS5
This is the core issue of console gaming tho. You can’t actually upgrade. You just straight up buy a new console. This wasn’t that big of a deal during the PS4 gen because the PS4 pro wasn’t that expensive. But at the current price points a different strategy is needed.
Honestly I think if Sony made a program like “mail us your old PS5 and like $200 to get a PS5 Pro” the console would’ve done better. It wouldn’t address the “why do we need this?” part (especially considering we’re hearing reports of GTA6 running at 30 FPS on the Pro) but it would’ve done some good for customer goodwill.
Queue a similar exchange programme like it happened last gen when the same sales pattern emerged.
Just buy a PC, no reason for a playstation at all except to be forced to only play with the playstation people.