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You have the ability to resurrect anyone that dies within 50 meters of you, but every time you use this ability, a random billionaire gains 100 years to their lifespan. Do you use this ability?

You cannot resurrect yourself

50 meters in radius, in any direction inclusing above or below. It has to happen within 5 minutes of their brain dying. If resurrected, all injuries that they got when they died is reversed.

Billionaire as measured in US Dollars at the moment you use the ability

100 years added their lifespan does noy make them immune to homicide or accidenys.

You can use this unlimited amount of times.

If no billionaire exists at the tine you try to use this power, then you cannot use the power.

Edit: Lol not sure why people downvoted. I guess everyone just hate moral philosophers... 🤣

  • Use my power to revolt against the billionaires. Just keep me alive while keeping any opposition 50m away (assuming I have no direct control over who is and isn't revived) and you'll be fine.

    Although my experience in video games where this is a game mode tells me I wouldn't be kept alive.

  • Adding +100 years is more of a curse than a benefit... Like the old song says:

    "Methuselah lived 900 years.
    Methuselah lived 900 years.
    I don't call that livin'
    'Cause no gal'l give in
    To no man...
    Who lived 900 years."

  • I would use it... eventually.

    But only after becoming an elite assassin who specializes in eliminating billionaires, and only after becoming so good at what I do that I run out of targets.