Happy Valentine Friends! π
Happy Valentine Friends! π
Happy Valentine Friends! π
This literally just happened to me wtf. We had so much in common and we went on a great first date, but then I asked her to be my Valentine and she told me there wasn't "romantic physical chemistry" between us.
That's a win.
Someone being honest and up front is always a good thing.
Now, you don't have to wonder, you don't have to put energy into romance that isn't there, and once you move past the emotions of the rejection, you can possibly still have a friend.
This is not a bad thing, it just hurts.
Welcome to the friendzone! You have to decide if having a friend is ok for you (spoiler alert, it might slowly consume you from the inside as you battle between wanting more and not wanting to go against what she wants), or if that's not what you want just drop it. It's painful at the beginning but better for yourself in the long term.
Yeah, romantic compatibility is a two way street. If they aren't feeling it, you're better off as friends. Trust me, you don't want to be in a relationship where one person isn't very attracted to the other. I've been on both sides of that coin, and it's all shit.
Don't pine for anyone. If you're a match, you both make each other feel amazing being together.
The friendzone always sucks. Sometimes you can become colleagues, but real friends? Youβre just hurting yourself for longer.
Highway to the friend zone
Ride into the friend zone
My partner and I were broken up last year for a good portion of the year, I figured we were done. Went on a date with a girl from work and had a great time, only for her to hit me with similar vibes but different words. Ended up back with my partner not long after that and whenever I run into the girl at work she acts like she regrets her decision. She's still single and whining about it, lol.
So now you have a friend that you have so much in common with, to do stuff together that you both enjoy, and not do stuff you both dislike. You'd keep a friend like that if he was a guy. What if you told this girl you want to try to be friends, but please make an effort to not be so hot when you're hanging out together. No makeup, her least flattering clothes. Unless you're going out drinking and being wingpeople for each other, then obviously you both help each other make attractive choices. If you still can't let her out of your fuckzone, and treat her as a real friend, then maybe it's time to part.
What if you told this girl you want to try to be friends, but please make an effort to not be so hot when you're hanging out together. No makeup, her least flattering clothes
So basically "don't be yourself and walk on eggshells around me at all times". That'd make me just not want to be around you, even as a friend. Friends don't do that. Do not ask her that.
Adding: that request would make me feel not just uncomfortable but actually unsafe.
I assume you're under like 20 years old? Maybe even under 18? Literally shrug it off and don't even give it a 2nd thought. It's like dying the first time in a game and only losing 10 seconds of gameplay. It literally doesn't matter whatsoever, you just started the game and are learning how to play.
Look up Hoe_math on YouTube. Strip away the layer of red pillish frustration and watch objectively. His latest zones version video is onto something that women have two separate sets of criteria to judge men: "healthy and nice" and "macho power". You need to up your macho power factors to be considered attractive. Seriously, when they say they need to find a nicer guy, they don't even consider the guys that aren't keeping up the macho.
Remember, it sucks just as badly to be girlfriend zoned.
Thereβs a saying. Boyfriends may come and go but friends are forever. Siblings get the forever tag too ofc.
Lasting friendships of any gender pairing are always about personal chemistry sans anything sexual.
Happy Pal-entines Day, everyone β₯οΈ