Finally. FINALLY. My ulcer grows every time I hear someone quote that list of evil things Monsanto does. Even though yes, they are evil.
Yea, they're evil enough with the pesticides, and the hostile takeover of farms. We don't need to make the genetic engineering they're doing, which is actually good work, to also be thrown under the bus
I would agree if they didn't use their non-sterile plants to take over small farms around their huge ones by suing for theft when farmers used part of the previous crop that had been pollinated with the Monsanto GM pollen. They didn't buy that genome so it was stolen... Fucking wankers.
Isn't one argument against GMO that they could spread and outcompete other crops? In that case a terminator gene would even be a good thing?
That's exactly why the original terminator gene was a joint USDA-ARS /delta-pine effort. The USDA-ARS was looking for ways to prevent GMO species from escaping and causing issues.
You know the shit that actually happened. For example -
Creeping Bentgrass
Wheat -
This hard, sugarless, unripe tomato sure is red though
They're not sterile, but they will sue you if they find you've been growing seeds from last year's crops.
Or if your neighbours crops have germinated in your lands
Why invent technology to control people when you can just use the law?
or if/when your neighbors pollen blows onto your crops and you grow from those seeds, and then they sue you for being a pirate of their IP
No they won't.
They will sue you if you take your neighbors pesticide resistant seeds, sow them, douse them in pesticide so only the resistant ones survive, and sow your entire field with them.
Yes, they will.
You're taking the approach of an independent farmer that didn't sign a contract with Monsanto. What you said mostly aligns with that scenario.
For the farmer that did sign a contract with Monsanto, that is a standard and required clause, and they do enforce it.
Also, most farmers use hybrid crops, which you already can't save, because they're hybrids. (You can save them, but they're not going to produce the same plants you get them from).
Whether a plant species is hybridized has little effect on whether it grows true from seed or only via cuttings.
Wild maple trees for example do not grow true from seed.
Apples are a prime example.
What about seedless watermelon
That's treated with a chemical to keep it from making seeds.
Unfortunately terminator seeds very much are a thing North America.
Fortunately what you linked says nothing of the sort. You are in this meme
I'm not a native English speaker but that sounds like it's talking about the potential harms of such terminator seeds and not saying they're in the market as of now.
That entire page says "this would be a bad thing to exist". But it doesn't. There are no commercial terminator seeds.