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ruh roh
  • If you're on desktop, download FreeTube. No more ads, ever. No more jittery youtube videos even though you have 300mbs down, you can download any video in app at max speeds, and its not algorithm fed. I imported my subscriptions, and now if I want to see something new I can use the not broken search function. Its like early early youtube and its wonderful!

  • Yea it's kinda cool and all, but when is XANA gonna make it's appearance‽‽
  • Oh man, you've just unlocked my childhood!

  • Why Lemmy is the Worst Social Media Platform I Use
  • One can only be so turned on.

  • Biden calls for ban on congressional stock trading
  • Oh, crap—I totally misinterpreted your initial comment. My bad man! Thanks for clarifying!

  • Biden calls for ban on congressional stock trading
  • I'm not sure how much in the loop you are with USA politics, but Biden, just like every public facing member of the two party system, is a representative of private interests. The democratic party is incorporated, just like the republic party.

    It only makes sense that a tankie wouldn't be in support of a figure head of corporate interests.

  • Biden calls for ban on congressional stock trading
  • Pretty sure their statement is neutral. The only statement they made was that it was funny, which is a net positive depending on how you view a 50/50 glass of gas and water.

  • Omnipitaph Omnipitaph

    Do a little dance, he said. Get down tonight, he said. What he didn't say, was that an electron has both mass and spin and yet has no definite location.

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