What's the biggest or most severe example of "missing the point" you've seen?
What's the biggest or most severe example of "missing the point" you've seen?
What's the biggest or most severe example of "missing the point" you've seen?
anyone that whines about Rage Against The Machine's music being "tOo pOLiTiCaL"
I remember chuckling to videos of drumptards dancing to RATM during the Floyd protests and covid. It was obvious that their only takeaway was "fuck you, I won't do what you tell me"
Yeah, that one hit hard during the Floyd protests. It is literally a song about cops killing black people. And it's not even subtle ... wtf?
I know someone who used to go to rage against the machine concerts in their youth and is now a Republican. Every day I wake up and thank god I am not that braindead
With a name like Rage Against The Machine, it's on the tin.
Republicans think they're the punks because they rally against decency.
For anyone unaware, there are a number of memes about RATM (mostly Tom Morello's) politics
But my personal favorite, from 2020, is this one: https://i.imgur.com/ix6Ig4Hg.jpg
What do you think the machine is they are raging against? The fucking printer?
“It’s too bad they are raging FOR the machine now”
People who say Star Trek is "too woke"
They had the very first interracial marriage in fiction back in the 1960's, I think they have the license to be at least a little woke.
First interracial kiss on television too
Flat Earthers confirming Earth is round with science and saying the science is wrong.
It's interesting that they are able to come up with creative and intelligent experiments that would serve as evidence or proof one way or another but then often won't even trust their own results.
The ones just trolling I can understand. Maybe it's all of the ones doing experiments.
I'm doing my part
Cops saying "Just a few bad apples".
Remind me again? How does the full saying go?
1984 is not about mass surveillance. It's about lowering the langage and culture so that you don't even have word to criticize the system.
It's about total control from the perfect totalitarian state. Mass surveillance is a small part, and control of language is also a part. But it's also about control of truth and history, and eventually even control of the inner mind.
The cameras are only a tiny part.
Deep breath ... I will not mention politics ... deep breath ... I will not mention politics ...
You can always mention religion.
They just said they weren't going to mention politics.
Too on the nose.
Loud, rich Christians.
Everyone who "does their own research"
Let them eat cake. Or doesn't that count?