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  • I’ll continue to refer to it the way I do now, which is to not refer to it at all.

  • Just call it Twitter. They're going to either go back to the old branding, or they'll be out of business shortly enough that it wouldn't even make sense to bother referring to it as X.

    It's Twitter.

  • I call it Larry.

    This was the name used for the Twitter bird from 2010 to 2012 before redesigning it into what we had before 𝕏.

  • No, because that would imply Musk and Twitter is on the same level as TAFKA Prince.

    • Plus, Prince did it to get out of a shitty record contract, musk did it because he's stuck at age 11 emotionally.

  • So does a "tweet" become a "message/action formerly known as a tweet?" That's gonna get tiresome reeeeeal fast.

    I love it.

    "I was on the website formerly known as Twitter and I read this really funny message formerly known as a tweet about how Elon Musk is totally botching the website formerly known as Twitter. I totally action formerly known as retweeted it."