Our Big Wet Boy Wants a Big Wet 51st State
Our Big Wet Boy Wants a Big Wet 51st State
Our Big Wet Boy Wants a Big Wet 51st State
Me in CKII
DonnieIncoherent map-painting at every opportunity
Sound like a great deal. Canada as a single state could completely shake up the electoral status quo, as they would be basically taking a single rep from just about every state, and we would have a new California that gives something like 50 electoral votes to a single new state with a population and GDP similar to California.
Though once the GOP maths it out, either they'll increase how many states Canada is broken into, Gerrymander it, to give conservative victories for the next two generations at least. Tons of states with a population of like 2 conservative men who all get three electoral votes per state. While Vancouver is going to have like six votes for a population of 1 million people.
or they could just not give canadians voting rights
Sounds like an awesome idea, ngl. Absolutely Acceleration Pilled.
Puerto Rico of the North
In my future fiction project, Canada was parted into six states and three territories. The differences from the current ten provinces were
At the same time, the following changes were made to the Lower 48:
As a whole, 12 new states were formed in connection with the annexation of Canada, 6 north and 6 south of the old border. Thus the Lower 48 came to be known as the Lower 54. This strategy of matching the newly annexed states with carving new states from preexisting ones was favored since it couldn't easily be predicted how many conservative Canadians actually would vote GOP, thus splitting off regions already known to consistently vote Republican would, worst case scenario, keep the balance between Republicans and Democrats, and best case scenario give Republicans the electoral upper hand.
Going to war with Canada seems like the fucking most wild thing he could do. It's a nation of mostly white, mostly English speaking people right next door to us. I don't think you can manufacture consent for a war against people so culturally similar to you they're basically indistinguishable. I mean fuck how many families in both countries have mixed US/Canadian citizenship? I don't think even the biggest Minnesota CHUD is suddenly going to support invading his Alberta wife's home county.
The propaganda will be less "war" and more "Anschluss". It will be paternalistic in nature and posture republicans as safeguarding "Canadian culture" from mass migration and chynah. It can be done.
Trump doesn’t want Canada to actually be a 51st state. He is just running cover for the incoming Canadian government to destroy what’s left of their single payer healthcare and anything else slightly good about the place
I don't think you can manufacture consent for a war against people so culturally similar to you they're basically indistinguishable.
That's what everyone thought about a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine a long time ago. Turns out a dictator just does things.
You know, in my future fiction project, the annexation of Canada into the USA was going to be a careful, gradual and deliberate process over the course of many years... But I guess I was forgetting that the USA's political system isn't exactly built to encourage that type of long-term thinking, and this type of crude, kneejerk, ill-conceived attempt at coersion was really the whole time the muuuuch more likely route the USA would take if it were to try to annex Canada.
We are in an insane timeline. Trump could...
And we are only on the 14th day of Trump's presidency. If Netanyahu figures out the right things to say to Trump - the US could end up going to war with Iran because Trump is a delusional moron with little connection to reality.
Is this just hot air to distract us while his cronies shock doctrine the US public sector?
Seems so. And it's shocking that the media, libs the dems are so easy to distract. Here are some threads I started today...
I really hate to say it but Steve Bannon was 100% right. Flooding the zone with shit works like a charm.
I wish whenever anyone talked about absorbing a country into the USA they had already gamed out how many extra states that added eg 10 for Canada, 6 Australia, 2 New Zealand, Greenland as territory not state etc. Like I don't want these to happen but I want some homework done.
You know, in my future fiction project, Americans find out that Canadians actually know how guns work, and they find it out the hard way.
We've got so many gun clips for our assault rifle fifteens, you have no idea how powerful we are!