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Grand Theft Auto VI and Grand Theft Auto Online Could Be Sold Separately; Rockstar Is Targeting Solid 30 FPS on Consoles, According to Former Animator

  • I have to assume they're targeting 30fps because that would be using all the bells and whistles like raytracing and running at 4k on the consoles; which are unlikely to be able to achieve 60fps or higher with all that shit on.

    And, as they have done with literally every single GTA since 3: It likely won't release on PC at the same time. It will come 1-2 full years later and when it does, will have more features and run at a higher frame rate.

  • I hope so! I’m interested in buying the single player game, and have absolutely zero interest in the online experience.

  • We'll get 60 and above on pc a while later anyway. Also the sold separately thing is probably just like they did with RDR2 where you could get everything or just the multiplayer part of the game, which I personally think is fine.