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  • My kids are playing and I help read occasional dialogue or troubleshoot their strategy. I'm trying to stay real hands off. The share a character. It is cool.

    So my bigger is watering what she calls mushrooms in the dilapidated boiler room. Is that a thing?

    Ive played to like year 20+ and some of the stuff they try is weird but works. For perspective, they have no real understanding of money and the farm is as wild as ever lol. I'm trying to drop hints of how cool a backpack would be

  • Played a little with sibling last night. They wanted to add an onsen to the farm, but it requires a manual download so I'm putting that off because I forget how.

    Otherwise it was fun. I should look through more mods All the mods!

  • Loaded it up today, making very slow progress on getting the new 1.6 achievements. Currently winter, waiting for summer to get the Luau soup achievement and trying to get the last few books along the way.