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  • Found the clip where some donvict supporter calls into C-Span, advocating to just ignore the Constitution under Donvict, because, well, that's what "the people" voted for.

    Just crazy stuff. Why this hasn't gone viral, I don't know.

    (At the 11 minute mark)

    • I was really surprised at first that it was a woman, but then it became pretty clear that she was an old, white woman, and then it at least made more sense. She's (presently) unaffected by any of the bullshit that is being thrust upon women of child-bearing age, the persons of color, the non-binary folk, the young people hurt most by skyrocketing housing costs, etc; and she's thoroughly unapologetic about her lack of empathy for any of those groups of her fellow Americans. Goddamn, what a bummer.

      EDIT: Then I made the mistake of continuing to listen, and half or more all of the callers for the next 20 minutes are brainwashed boomers ranting about how Biden was the devil and Trump is going to save us from the illegal immigrants who are ruining all of our lives. Yeesh.

  • Democrats and Republicans set him up to do it. No balanced budget, meaning we don't spend more then is taxed, no line item budget with expenditures that is easily digestible to the public that shows real information like how much corporations are actually paying in total for taxes, with tax cuts, refunds, subsidies, you need to cruise their own financials to find out how much the fed is propping up corporations. All we get is massive trillions of dollars budget consolidations. They owe the citizens services like roads, libraries, affordable housing, because of the damn taxes we pay, hell we could likely even afford free college and hand outs to third world countries if that was all. But we are paying massive subsidies, and buying products at egregious markups, not to mention the damned bailouts to banks and wallstreet, if these bastards don't pay taxes how the hell they giving them MY money when they get bailed out! because "we under employ hundreds of thousands, if we cowwapse all those people can't pay their taxes and evewyting cowwapses, so bailout pwease". Or because someone is a friend with someone so they got the government contract instead of someone that might be capable of doing an amazing job, but doesn't have name recognition. NO DAMNIT!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, IF THEY WONT PAY TAXES THEN WHAT THEY WANT THEY DON'T GET. No bailouts, no incentives for your fancy plastic devices, no discount for moving shipping here, move your shipping away and pay a tarrif equal to how much you are saving, and OUR tax dollars go to actually fix the country. I70 is a damn toll road, it costs you money to travel between states, like the physical act of passing over land has a cost associated, what the hell are my taxes paying for? Not quality education to make sure the poor dyslexic girl at McDonalds could get a good paying job ill tell you that. Best as I can tell the money I've ever paid in taxes is simply paying interest on bombs used to kill children. How can anyone defend this system, even if it is one of the top 100 systems around? You mean there are worse?!?!

  • The whole problem is Supply Side Jesus is taking his sweet ass time coming back. Therefore, the nut bags at the Heritage Foundation have to crash the world via disease, war, famine, and death.

    • And ironically, those remaining in the ashes will still find themselves disappointed.