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  • Do... LGBTQ+ folks act differently? Like... I'm pretty sure gay folk don't go screaming "I'M GAY" all around the place... I sure don't...

    I do understand what you mean though, living in a very "anti-rainbow" country myself... Though unfortunately I can't give you much advice other than just... Act like a normal human being.

  • Just wear neutral colors, don't talk with a lisp, and don't do the fruity arm thing.

    The straights that actually would care, don't actually know what gay people look like or do other than the stereotypes. If you're not a stereotype, you could blend in pretty easy by simply not advertising your sexuality.

    Shit, I sometimes run into people that claim they never would have guessed I'm pansexual with a lean towards men, even when I am wearing a jacket and hat full of pride flair.

  • Speech Cadence. I know some people do it, and some don't, but if you do it (and I hope you know what I mean) then at the very least, this will immediately lead many people to assume you are LGBTQ+, regardless of how true it may be. I say this in the interest of helping, and sincerely hope it does not imply or convey any sort of bias on my part. The fact that people in this country need this information right now deeply saddens and angers me.

  • I get it, its just so fucked up that this even has to be a thing!

  • I'm sorry you feel the need to hide who you are. I hope we can, as world societies, accept people for who they are. I know this doesn't answer your question (I don't really have an answer), I just absolutely hate it that this question even needs to exist. :(((

  • I'd rather not, speaking from experience. Do it if you absolutely must (like living in homophobic country)

  • Honestly I wish everyone spoke as clearly and articulately as gay men. Mumble and mangle your words together, and dumb down your vocabulary to sound like the typical straight dude. Think of yourself as a kid in school, the teacher just called on you, and you really don't want to answer.

    • Honestly I wish everyone spoke as clearly and articulately as gay men.

      You should hear me speak, you might mistake me as straight..

      Seriously tho don't stereotype us like this, even if it's positive on its face it's still harmful and incorrect