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  • Elden ring got me into the kamehameha, int build. Also, Azur's set looks sick. I know it's cheesy, but it's so fun. I also loved my bloodborne build, but it was a lot different. I killed the moon with Ludwig's holy blade. It was too cool not to. Something about that game made me want to focus on making my character as cool as possible.

    • Honestly, can't fault you for that. It's a cool spell, feels and looks amazing, and with the crystaltear, it's free for 30 seconds which is usually enough time to kill.

      Never got into LHB. I definitely see the appeal and like it design-wise, but I found it a little too slow for my taste. Its versatility it's pretty good though because you cover different ranges and can have quality scaling, I think?

  • I like rags and fast roll, dodging and parrying like mad. favorite melee weapon in DS1 is the Great Scythe, the two-handed running R1 into a small crowd is delicious magic.

  • Dex spellsword glass cannon, DS2

    If it doesn't kill you in two hits, it's not a boss