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  • The Democrats appear to be incapable of course correction at this point. Constantly in fighting doesn't help anything. They need to get back to the basics and make sure people can afford food. Afford homes. Afford medical coverage.

    Once they have made it so people aren't worried about the basics then they can get into the weeds of social issues and whatever else they want to do.

    Time will tell if they actually make any changes by 2028 election season, but if their recent behavior is anything to go off of I doubt we will see them learning anything that will help them by then.

    • They need to get back to the basics and make sure people can afford food. Afford homes. Afford medical coverage.

      The problem here is that they have run on these things before and didn't follow through. They no longer have credibility on any of these issues. Their greatest accomplishments on any of these are now 15 years in the past.

      Once they have made it so people aren’t worried about the basics then they can get into the weeds of social issues and whatever else they want to do.

      They are not interested in making it so that people aren't worried about the basics. And they already started caving on social issues because caving is what Democrats do. They ran Republican anti-trans hate in their own ads. They adopted Republican border policy, only to watch Republicans sprint even further to the right. Do you suppose they're ever going to go back to their previous position?

      • I mean who knows what's going to happen in the future. It's fairly predictable, but who knows when something is gonna come along and throw a wrench in the plans.

        All it takes is another civi war. Or a world war. Or a global economic collapse. Then who knows what's going to happen in American politics let alone global politics.

        What if Trump actually does make everything affordable and our economy is booming again? Democrats would never recover from that. I don't think that's what he's going to do but we don't know until it happens.

        He could drive this country into the ground and leave it wide open for Democrats to sweep in 2028 so they can fix the hole he dug. Again we just won't know until it happens.

        I'm choosing to remain optimistic that Trump won't completely fuck everything into oblivion and that the Democrats can actually come back in 2028 with a real candidate that people can rally behind again like they did with Obama. I hope they can somehow stop pulling the ship in different directions and all get on board like the Republicans do.

        Only time will tell.

    • I voted for Harris, and Biden, and Clinton with my nose held, after phone banking for Sanders in two primaries.

      If they don't abandon neoliberalism next cycle whole cloth then The Fascists can rule the ashes, I'm done.

      This nation CAN ONLY DECLINE so long as there is no major party defending the needs of the people from the murderous capitalists.

      Not that there's going to be another free election anyway. That's the Neoliberals fault as much as the Fascists for institutionalizing their respective bribe gravy trains and making them their only priorities.

      We can have metastasizing capital markets, oligarchy, and murder for profit, or a democratic republic. Not both. And only the former until the planet physically puts us in our place and ends civilization for our hubris, which we deserve.

      • I still feel like - 2016, 2020, 2024 - if bernie had been on the ticket he would have destroyed trump.

        dems would rather lose than win with an 'outsider' who makes their own people look feckless and owned.