Elon Musk's salute falls flat: Why far-right trolling isn't working this time around
Elon Musk's salute falls flat: Why far-right trolling isn't working this time around
Elon Musk's salute falls flat: Why far-right trolling isn't working this time around
It's a good point about not taking the bait of debating with the far right about their nonsense, but I'm not convinced it quite counts as trolling when, being a proud Nazi, you get up in front of a bunch of Nazis and do Nazi salute to show them you are a Nazi. I guess the trolling is what he did afterwards.
Yeah, it's never been as a troll, but as a sign of solidarity and beacon for others. Continuing to treat this like a trolling is continuing to give cover for Nazi/fascist behavior happening more and more in the light of day.
The Alt Right Pipeline depends on edgy immature people ironically saying edgy stuff for dopamine hits until they are effectively trained to repeat the edgy stuff unironically.
When they put away the dog whistles and just come out as evil fascists then it causes a lot of their supporters to have a "are we the baddies?" moment
I really hope you're right.
Yeah, that almost seems like giving them too much credit. I hope I'm wrong though.
The article is fairly good, the headline only really makes sense after reading the article.
Not a great headline.
I'm so glad you commented this. Yes, great article with a terrible headline
Fuck off nazi.
absolutely fascinating that this user was trying to talk up Adolf Hitler's economic record yesterday
You're just gonna skip all the parts of my many comments where I repeatedly call Hitler and the Nazis fucking awful horrible people?
Literally that entire conversation was about how you people are incapable of having any nuance whatsoever. Hitler was a terrible person who also did a very small number of things that ended up being good for Germany in the long run. Jesus Christ y'all are dense as fuck.
The neo Nazis think he was, and that was his audience. That's enough for me.
I just can't imagine why people think it's a Nazi salute...oh wait,
Yeah, if it was anything else, it wouldn't be so forceful. No matter how socially awkward he is. Stiff I can get as being accidental from being nervous, but putting so much energy into it... that doesn't happen unintentionally. If his gesture was affected by anxiety, nervousness, or lack of practice, it would have been less energetic than if he was confident and practiced at it.
There is no possible way he meant anything else, all efforts afterwards to minimize it are hedging his bets and gaslighting.
I am Autistic and work with many other autistic and neurodivergent people, and this is not that at all. It was no accident, it looked exactly how he intended it to look, he practiced that in a mirror, alot. The hedging heart thing was also practiced.
I wouldn't be surprised to find out he had a bet going with someone that he could do it and get away with it. I don't live in a bubble, I do hang out with conservatives, this is exactly the thing they think is funny or cool.
That was the dumbest fucking video I’ve watched in recent memory. “My heart goes out to you”? Get the fuck out lol
A tiktok link, defending a Nazi. Here. Are you lost, mate?
the nazi did the fucking nazi salute twice, so that there were no doubts about it
"I'm all for people stimming in ways that make people uncomfortable"
Oh fuck entirely off. If that person really is autistic, she's an insult to the rest of us who don't stim by fucking throwing up Nazi salutes.
You can akshually this as a Roman salute, but it's still a fucking fascist salute from a man with a long history of Nazi signalling.
Stop carrying water for Nazis.
It definitely is