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  • Legend of Dragoon was so good, even if several twists were the kind you see coming. And it was insanely long!

    I wish it would get remade so badly. I own it, and tried to make it work, but I don't have a CRTV, so it went very badly.

  • Soldam immediately comes to mind as the deepest cut I can think of. You might not be too impressed the first time you put a quarter in, the singleplayer modes are nothing too special. But if you can get a second player, it has one of the most interesting versus modes I've seen in a puzzle game. Sadly, you do need a second player, there is no versus CPU.

    This game got a modernized remake on Switch a while back, they added online play... but they still didn't add CPUs.

  • Is a game like Vib-ribbon or Devil Dice considered obscure? Because those would probably be tied for my choice.

  • Not sure if obscure, but I really like Buggy Run from Master System