What are your top 5 favourite weapons in any soulslike and how would you rank them?
What are your top 5 favourite weapons in any soulslike and how would you rank them?
What are your top 5 favourite weapons in any soulslike and how would you rank them?
Top 5 gotta be Moonlight Greatsword
all of them are whatever lets me parry. especially in the one where you can pretty mich face backwards and still parry
Pizza cutter from Bloodborne is my number 1. Absolutely love that thing. It just slaps so hard. The move set is fun. It does stacks of damage and it looks awesome. Claymore from ds1 really carried me on my first play through. Excellent move set. I could put the Claymore from 2 and 3 here too as I don't think the move set has changed. I've really enjoyed a couple of the scythes for fun move sets and bleed damage but I don't remember which ones specifically.
Pretty much all my favorite weapons are from Bloodborne.
#1 Beast Claws. They are awesome, have built in beast gauge and a whole transformation with the DLC. The same Beast rune massively reduces damage so you can do the jumping attack off big drops in PvP.
#2 Church Pick. I just like this moveset. Nice and simple, good reach. Holy and serrated and it's my safe place.
#3 this one is a throw up between the pizza cutter and gerhman's scythe. Both great range, one is nice and comfy and the other absolutely fucking shreds everything with a strength build.
#4 Kos Parasite. This might be up there even more because it's so unique but getting the blood gems to gear it is a pain in the ass.
#5 good ol trusty saw cleaver. Pretty much mandatory for a BL4 run of the game so you get very, very comfortable with it and it is still one of the best weapons in the game.
Yeah, uh, I love bloodborne weapons. So many honorable mentions that are just so fun: rakuyo, threaded cane, hunter's axe, Simon's bow blade, the boom hammer....I wish we had weapons like that in other fromsoft games. The only weapons that are nearly as fun as Bloodborne's are the weapon movesets in Nioh 2.
Lifehunt Scythe
The great(est) club in dark souls 3. Simple. Effective. Surprisingly effective at catching dodge rolls. It's not bad in the other games, but it really was my jam in ds3
In Elden Ring, the antspur rapier is stupid basic and fun. Poke, poke, poke, bleed, poke, rot.
I think I'm going with...
I'm just an elden ring pleb, so here goes: