"Now I don't wanna" ~The Bug
"Now I don't wanna" ~The Bug
"Now I don't wanna" ~The Bug
Damn this meme image is crisp as fuck.
Is it really a meme without a certain amount of jpeg?
Did the episode even originally air in standard definition?
It's rare to see a newborn meme. Soon it will be pixelified to all the doom.
There is this bug in TIC-80.
When running the wasm version on firefox it has very bad framerate.
So as many before me I pulled my sleeved and opened the firefox profiler to see what's going on. Well, the framerate has never been better. As soon as you turn off the profiler the framerate drops.
I thought I was going insane, until I saw that other people luckily found the same behavior. For now, the unofficial fix is opening the firefox profiler when playing on firefox.
Then you find out that the bug only works when it's a Tuesday on a leap year and only if you have Albanian input method enabled.
Or, after weeks of debugging an issue the user has logs proving they are having weird performance issues despite having a strong GPU, it turns out their parents wouldn't let them take that GPU out of the family PC so they rigged up a PCIe to USB to wireless transmitter that hooks up to a wireless to USB to serial port that exploits a signal leaking from serial port to PCIe bus bug on the family PC motherboard to act as if the GPU is on their own machine, which both impresses and horrifies you.
And when you try to get approval to drop the issue as unsupported, your manager gives you shit and it takes another week to convince him that it isn't a use case that you should support. And they only agreed in the end because a more senior technical person happened to overhear you pleading with your manager one day and only had to say, "that's crazy!" for your manager to 180 immediately on the issue. But it's still cited as a negative on your next performance review ("you spent weeks working on something we don't even support!").
...this hurts my brain. That being said, I'd probably also try it for the lulz, but I'd never bother support about it, because I knew what I was doing was insane.
There's a weird obscure bug in M$ Remote Desktop in Windows 11 Pro I spent entirely too much time trying to track down, as a user. (Yes, the first mistake was ever getting near Windows, but anyway.)
It looks like there is some kind of counter that now exists in number of logged in sessions, and each RDP session counts as a one-time-use session. The local user does too.
Thankfully, my life means too much to me to go further down the rabbit hole and I don't have to use Windows as much anymore, and hopefully soon never, but...its like they took a whole team of engineers to break something that has worked amazing since the early aughts and just firehosed pigeon turds all over it.
They obviously care enough to keep it working as they renamed the RDP app to "Windows App" in the last year, but don't care enough to make it work correctly?
Hm sounds like the bug is in the code that handles the "one session only" rule
Per Microshits T&Cs you can only have 1 session of any kind at a time unless you get the super special business multi seat RDP license (because ofc)
I actually have a Powershell script I found awhile back that patches the RDP DLL so it stops caring about multiple sessions
I spent entirely too much time trying to track down
Been there, if you have the audacity to force your way into the WindowsApps folder you'll bork the permissions systems so bad that every single post about how to fix it ends in "just reinstall" me being me that was an unacceptable answer.
Took me a week to fix it so the MS store would launch again. On the flip side, I have a whole new understanding of the permissions system on windows. Heh
I did not see the sub and got really confused 😭
thought this was about arthropods
Trying to reproduce a bug that consistently only shows up the first time we boot up our machines that day. Currently testing to see how long the machine needs to be off in order for the bug to show up again. I'm at an hour now.
Another angle to try is to set the date one day ahead and see if the bug shows up then. Might need to disconnect from network and set it in the BIOS for the test to work properly.
I could be wrong, but I figure after being off for an hour, all capacitors should have discharged by then, so it's probably not based on how long the hardware has been unpowered.
Though one other angle I just thought of, if you have something that runs periodically, maybe the bug is related to that period being missed once or n times. Or it could be related to something that is meant to wake the computer to run some job and then go back to sleep but instead just sets it in a bad state.
The date/time aspect is an interesting thought. For a bit more context, this machine is a Raspberry Pi connected to several other devices, some via USB and some via a CAN network. The system gets powered on manually, the user performs a task, then shuts it down until they need it again. We only use the date/time for logging. The system is connected to our wifi at our facility but after we ship it then it's likely it will never be connected to the internet except maybe when we're servicing it and updating code. I don't think the Pi has a RTC. I don't really see how the date/time could be causing the issue I'm seeing (seems to be lag in communication with the devices on the CAN network) but I guess stranger things have happened.
Could the time delay in being able to reproduce relate to some piece of code that has a timeout (thinking login timeout, cookie expiration, auth timeout, that sort of thing.) Or likewise, if the computer in question has multiple shutdown phases, like how many computers today "sleep" to RAM, and then an hour later sleep to disk in a more hibernatey fashion and fully power off? (Or some weirdness like how Windows shutdown now is ostensibly a hibernate, but a reboot is actually a full "power down power up" without shutting off power.)
I like @Buddahriffic@lemmy.world 's take on being wall-clock-based. I once had a bug with some software that would just go belly-up on certain days for no reason whatsoever in a datacenter 2000 miles away. After having worked on some bare metal servers in the past and learned all about thermal issues firsthand, I checked the weather in that region. It only seemed to happen on extremely hot summer days, at the day's temperature peak. Turns out the datacenter vendor had a cooling problem in that section of the DC and they were unaware of it...
Crazy sometimes how bugs manifest.
Heisenbugs are even more fun
Also applies to spiders