Never seen him this happy
Never seen him this happy
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I really hope this won't become some sort of tradition now
Never seen him this happy
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I really hope this won't become some sort of tradition now
Everyone is lining up to kiss his puckered arsehole.
Considering the amount of Russian dick that man takes, I'd think by now his anal sphincter is pretty well destroyed.
All these CEOs are tripping over themselves to lap up a cocktail of incontinent seepage and Putin's cum
My wife and I have been paying attention to which companies are making significant donations to conservatives, and have been avoiding doing business with them, but now it's getting tough as everyone is expected to kiss the ring. It's about to the point where it might be easier to make a list of companies that haven't.
Right on the lips you say?
He'll need a NASCAR type jacket, featuring all of his sponsors. I just can't keep up anymore.
We need that for all the politicians. Only a tiny handful would have blank jackets.
F1 style liveries across the White House, National Mall, and Congress
I'm seeing it as a white, blue, and red jacket. Almost flag like for the country he represents. It's got the same colors as the US flag, enough for denying it's the Russian flag, but showing his true allegiance.
It was a lot of people's jobs for months now creating some special bottle and box for this PR moment... none of this should exist. It reminds me of stories about the Middle Ages, where people would come before the king and shower them with gifts to make sure they are appeased.
A graphic designer could whip that up after lunch.
It's not even a good box. Kings are rolling in their graves, truly the worst timeline on many fronts.
Apparently Coke does this shit for every presidential elecrion and governors too but this is the only time it was diet and hand delivered by the ceo.
Never seen him looking so fucking old and wrinkled
To be fair, he is older than ever before.
Actually I think some of it is the weight he's lost recently.
But I am looking forward to him being dead, yes.
He will be the oldest president ever to take office. Older than even Reagan or Biden
Till 88 year old president Nancy Pelosi takes reigns in 2028 with vice president George W Bush at her side.
Oh look an ad
They all know to play this dumb bastards ego
I bet the back of the bottle says only people with very large hands and a big a-brain can possess it
Lol morons paying this dude a million and Coke comes in with a 5 dollar commemorative.
Lmao right? This cost them nothing. A graphic designer probably whipped this up in a few minutes, print, stick on a bottle, done.
It cost them at least one lifelong customer.
I'm sure they paid for this massive photo op in more than a single bottle of coke.
Yeah. 5 dollars more (the commemorative, duh) 😂
Apparently someone loves to lick boots and give some a handie under the table.
If you get the rights to lower the ground water level even more during a drought, selling the water to the thirsty population in plastic bottles?
Ka-Tsching Baby....
That's why the guy put his right hand on the table... Prevent rumors.
Maybe Pepsi is ok.
Coke is shit now, fascism soda. Relationship ended with Coke, Pepsi is new best soda.
Never forget Fanta.
It's like everyone forgot that Pepsi stopped George floydd protests and passed sweeping justice system reform. /$
Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm gonna piss on his grave.
I'll do rhyming later.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm gonna piss on his grave
I guarantee that it's true
That one's free.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'll piss on his grave
And make sure it comes true
Free edit for you as well ✌️
Why ruin a perfectly good anti joke tho
The old gang's getting back together!
Celebratory cocaine
I hope he's ok for 2-3ish years. Vance having a real chance at 10 years as POTUS is terrifying
I'm a "no, Pepsi isn't ok" guy, but I'm never drinking Coke again. Because from now on it tastes like kissing Trump's ass.
It's pathetic watching these bootlickers
Weirdest part to me is that I really can't believe that he's drinking Diet Coke and not regular Coke. I know there's concerns about diet sodas, but that shows a concern about his health and what he puts in his body that I never imagined Trump was capable of.
Naw, I think it's because he specifically enjoys diet coke more. If I want a soda, it's diet coke or nothing. I'm in good health, but diet coke tastes great while regular coke almost makes me feel ill from the thick syrup.
Not trying to defend the taste. I hate the taste of diet coke myself, but I don't know what it is about that diet soda specifically. I have met many people in real life and through the internet that just fucking LOVE diet coke. Idk why, but they drink 3-5 cans a day. I am working with one now that had to stop drinking for health reasons and she was talking about how she missed the taste a couple weeks ago.
Diet Coke lovers are a dedicated breed.
People just love getting addicted to shit. We are all guilty of it. We equate the dopamine rush with actual enjoyment of things. I'm not sure I actually like anything, so much as it's my brain tricking me.
This is a little tongue in cheek, but also a little not.
I'm not sure how much chemical tweaking they did on aspartame, but I suspect it ended up being overfitted to their test group because I can't stand the taste of it. It just tastes a bit off to me, like there's some undesirable chemical in there.
Stevia was disappointing for me because the ones granulated like white sugar also have that flavour. Maybe it's from traces of whatever solvent was used to extract it from the plant.
I'd rather have water than any diet soda.
Not that I like the man but I believe he's also been against alcohol life long? Definitely has some concern with what he consumes.
Coke has been doing this every year.
He probably wanted to be special and the ability to say "First DIET coke inaugural bottle"
From the comments here, it seems like his plan of making people think Coke is doing it to endorse him is working.
Diet Coke tastes like shit
Truth be told, I'd 100% prefer headlines like this over other nonsense that goes on.
The headline is still: “Company sucks up to Trump because line must go up” no different than most.
It's misleading
This is the first diet coke, not the first inaugural coke.
So "Company continues its tradition with making a special inaugural coke bottle"
Them not doing it would be more of a political statement
"Company responsible for world's obesity and death gets free advertisement."
Don’t forget using right wing paramilitary forces to murder labor leaders in South America! Because coke also did that
what a relief. it's the least worst scenario today
A propaganda boy, and in more than one sense.
The next four years are going to be very interesting to watch. If the first try was disastrous, the second is poised to be even worst.
America, you were once a country that could muster respect.
Marketing rule #1, know your market. Note that you don't need to actually need to have taken marketing classes to know this. So congratulations on doing what anyone with more than two brain cells could figure out, ya rich CEO jackass.
Trump looks like shit.
You are what you eat I guess.
Dude's like a billion
They look like they want to hold hands
Hands above the table, trembling with desire.
Whenever there's a new photo I zoom in to see how old/senile/dead he looks. Most of his publicity photos are 8 years old and he's aged a lot since then.
Continuing a proud tradition.
Fanta originated in Nazi Germany because they couldn’t source the ingredients for the Coke recipe.
Who did Coke order a genocide on? A bit extra for a every day bribe.
Coca Cola is so problematic the problems have their own wiki page.
Just wait until he gets his inaugural Big Mac.
Nah he was waaaaaayyy happier standing In front of all that Macca's the last time he was in.
Im guessing besides knowing how this guy like kiss ups there is also things like this are bought for air force one so maybe hes trying to make a sale.
Trump looks very aged
Bottle needed more gold if they wanted Trump to display it anywhere.
Same style as every other inaugural coke
Oh! I didn't realize they did this for others. I see.... It's the first inaugural "Diet" Coke. Thanks!
A virgin Cuba Libre?
"please let us keep doing death squads to union leaders"
You know he's a monster when he chooses Diet Coke over Coke Zero.
Hide-the-pain Trump?
Was a Pepsi guy anyway.
Let me get this right. He's winning a paper commercial label with gum on it?
Trump next year
next: Trump branded gun
I think I have seen something like that already