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  • I'll give you directions, but you have to be comfortable with landmarks and slang names for various areas.

    "Then turn right at the stab n' grab, if you reach the Canada lot you've go too far."

  • I don't "live" in the city, I live in my house, and I only leave to go to college or work. So if want to know where my college or my work are, I'm your man. Otherwise...

  • I often get food delivery people asking if I know where X number apartment is in my building when I'm out walking my dogs. Man, I don't fucking even remember my own number half the time. All I can say that if you're looking for 1 but you're way the fuck over by 120, you are on the exact opposite side of the complex that you need to be.

  • I was stopped on the way to work and asked where a particular street was. I had no idea.

    I saw it a few minutes later. I had crossed it every day for 20 years.

  • I live in the suburbs outside Washington, DC. One evening, we were in Bowie, MD (east of DC) at a shopping center, and a woman asked us for directions to the Mormon Temple.

    For those who are not familiar, the Mormon Temple is off the beltway north of DC. It's 25 miles away, and right now - nearing midday - it's showing a 34 minute drive. However, when this happened, it was the evening rush hour, so it was at least an hour away, probably closer to an hour and a half, honestly. It was a drive I wouldn't want to make, if I could avoid it.

    She didn't believe us. My wife just headed into the store we'd been heading for. I tried to convince her some more, but eventually she just drove off to ask someone else. I wonder how that adventure ended for her.

    The only thing I can figure for how she got so far off course: I think she started typing the address of the Mormon Temple (which is on Stoneybrook Drive in Kensington) into whatever map app she was using, and the app gave her a result on Stonybrook Drive in Bowie, and she went with it - the shopping center we were at is just off Stonybrook. Note they aren't spelled the same, but I can understand overlooking that. Who knows where she started and how long she'd been driving already.