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After you blow your nose, do you look in the tissue?

Edit: I had someone comment one time when I did, and it was kind of weird and embarrassing? But it seemed like a fairly normal thing to do, so I thought I'd ask.

  • Yes, I need to make sure that what's in the tissue matches what I felt fly out of my nose so I know it's not stuck in my beard.

  • Yes. The color of the mucus is informative for Chinese medicine. I don't have the full details of it, but if it's transparent, that means you are dealing with "cold" infection, and you should use herbs that are "hot". Oppositely, yellow means "hot" infection, and you should use "cold" herbs.

    If you use the wrong herbs and fail to balance it out, the infection gets worse.

  • Not only is it normal, but as some other posters have mentioned, it is a good habit to be in. This may be a hot take but people should also look at their toilet paper after wiping and at their poop before flushing.

  • Yeah, kinda helpful in monitoring health.

    You won't find anything unusual 99% of the time, and usually not even when you add .9 with a bunch of extra 9s behind that. But when you do find something, it means you can be proactive in handling it.

    Not that everything shows up in mucous that can be wrong with your sinuses, or that things can't ramp up faster than you can detect a change.

    But it's still useful to check.