Rare goat-sheep 'geep' born on Irish farm
Rare goat-sheep 'geep' born on Irish farm
Hybrid animal has even started to develop a pair of horns
Rare goat-sheep 'geep' born on Irish farm
Hybrid animal has even started to develop a pair of horns
How do you pronounce g in geep? I prefer to say it like g in gif myself.
I think pronouncing it like the g in goat is appropriate
I pronounce it like the J in Jesus.
Wikitionary says "j" like jeep: d͡ʒiːp
But in Irish it's pronounced Guinness
From 2014... here's an update from 2016 with video:
In case the embedded video doesn't load:
"Return of the geep" is one of the best headlines that I'll ever see.
That's quite an accent on that farmer.
My hero!
I think it should be called a Shoat
It sometimes is, but the word is already taken for "a young pig"!
A truly missed opportunity.
Damn, I missed that, sorry -- it was making the rounds today and I assumed....
He's a geeper!