EC2 hosting be like
EC2 hosting be like
EC2 hosting be like
This would be more believable if Elon paid his cloud bills.
X is probably still up, so he must be paying some of them
u7in-32tb.224xlarge's get you every time
That's the name of one of his children, isn't it?
But my code runs 3% faster on that instance than a t3.small - it'd be inefficient to use anything else.
An entire 3%!!!? My bad, carry on then.
I was this on all, and I don't get the joke. Any programmers care to explain in lay terms?
EC2 are cloud based virtual machines, very easy to spin one up exactly as you need it to run whatever.
But they're billed hourly and they get very expensive very very fast especially when you leave it on (the hourly billing is for a machine that's on and running)
You can rent cloud machines from Amazon, they can get pretty expensive if you forget about them
Ahhh, thanks
Amazon charges per hour for renting a server. Some are very expensive. It’s a common mistake to forget to turn off a server after you’ve finished using it and end up paying more than you planned.
bill of 40 billion dollars shows up
"Oh shit, I'm going to have to work twice as hard for a couple of hours to make that back"
Tweets twice as often
In other news: Jeff Bezos is now the richest person in the world.
I don't believe your opinion