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Do you think increasing ADHD diagnosis are due to better detection or "tiktok"?

I see a lot of people blaming tiktok and "brain rot" content for the increasing ADHD diagnoses, but I think its a matter of better detection, similar to how OCD and autism diagnosis have increased too.

Also as someone with ADHD, it feels like shit that it could be "my fault" or that I have brainrot.

  • ADHD is, as I understand it with my shitty, distantly earned BS in psychology, congenital and not acquired. You can't just "catch" ADHD, your brain was born with a neurochemical issue - not that I understand neuroscience well, but the dopamine isn't doing its job of keeping your thoughts on target, hence why only immediately rewarding things seem to be possible sometimes.

    There are a lot more diagnoses of late, but I've read that part of it is the war on drugs making the Rx systematically scarce so it's just easier to blame people for seeking care rather than addressing the systemic issues. Sort of akin to blaming the consumer for climate change.

    TikTok is probably not helping, and it is easy to become addicted. This is a separate matter however.

  • you cant really cause adhd but Theres are a lot of people on tiktok that want to be mentally ill, so they make shit up, or believe in signs that are ordinary. also, tiktok probably made more people lazy & depressed so they had to go to therapy which is why they even got a chance to be diagnosed.

    source: I was one of them.

  • It's probably better detection.

    As for internet brain rot, I suspect that's due to the idolization of swiftly delivered entertainment over everything else.

    People don't read anymore because it takes time and effort to get into the book. It takes commitment and thought. People would rather have entertainment fed to us in thousands of smaller doses. Get those micro dopamine hits with each swipe of your phone.

    I suspect it's also a form of escapism. The world is turning to shit and TikTok brain rot works much in the same way as abusing drugs.