You may not realize it but the fate of Tyria rests on Ryland Steelcatcher's memory...
You may not realize it but the fate of Tyria rests on Ryland Steelcatcher's memory...
Recent events have stirred up questions, within what is left of the Guild Wars 2 community, about the fate and whereabouts of Menzies. Should you find yourself asking them, worry not, Menzies was reincarnated into Rytlock Brimstone. He's been a loyal companion, I guess, for quite a while. But things are changing. When he was reincarnated, Menzies forgot much of himself. It may be possible that his new name, Rytlock Brimstone, is a containment spell holding his amnesia in place. It could also be possible that the name "Menzies" is neither spoken on wider Tyria, nor around Rytlock, because it will shatter the holding spell and cause him to start remembering who he really is. And then we're @#$%. Like I wrote though: Things are changing. Menzies is regarded by some as evil. His time around us, as Rytlock, makes that hard to believe. Yet we forget, at our peril, the legacy of Ryland's loss. The passage of time has not healed the wound dealt to Rytlock's heart by the loss of his cub. Who does he blame for Ryland's death? Rytlock initially appealed to the PC for help to save Ryland. The PC put Rytlock's concerns for his offspring aside, opting for another course of action. You could say that the PC is to blame for Ryland's passing. I dare write that Rytlock entertains that notion on occasions too. The resentment over the loss of Ryland tugs at Menzies's heart. This life, this mortal life, that he donned allowed him to find happiness through his cub. When the Lord of Destruction recovers his memory and his hatred of life, the PC will become a object of his bottomless fury. Rytlock-come-Menzies is destined to clash with us in the not too distant future. He may recover Magdaer; he may simply wield the memory of Ryland. All the while, in our ignorance, we grope around in the dark trying to make sense out of the senseless. That is all.