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  • I never experienced this. NYE is either family, house parties or raves where you mostly bring your own alcohol (and other things).

  • Alternatively spend New Year’s Eve with friends in vrchat, drinking beer from your fridge, and having your bed only 20 feet away in the next room

  • Oh man, I loved the Nye when I did a startup with a partner I hated, she went home to her parents and I stayed at the place we were living, while I was nocturnal.

    Last thing I did before going to bed on the morning was go to the supermarket, buy sausage, bacon, bagels, cheese, rum (capt Morgan and Malibu), kahlua, cream and pineapple juice.

    I went to sleep at like 8am. I woke up at 7pm and just watched the big Lebowski, posted on 420 Chan, smoked weed, drank white Cubans and piña coladas, ate sausage and bacon bagels.

    On a loop. 16 hours straight.

  • I just went over to a friend's house and had a high quality one-on-one hangout all night. It was actually great.