This is not that funny but I was amused watching it happen. One time I was at the DMV in a college town and a kid was at the counter trying to get his license renewed. From what I could gather he had it revoked because he was underage and had a DUI. Lady at the counter bounced the kid and a few minutes later, the kid came back in with his father and they were apparently from a rich family. Or at least rich by Ohio standards. When the lady at the counter explained that he could not have his license renewed because he had a court order against him, the father started in on the "Do you know who I am? I will buy this whole town!" routine, but the DMV lady was not having any of it. Both the kid and the father insisted that the judge did not have any right to take his license away from him and that it would be over turned on appeal so the DMV lady had to give him his license, because dad would make sure she got fired if he didn't. But the DMV lady would not relent and issue a license. The father and kid were getting pretty animated, so finally the lady picked up the phone and said something to the effect of "Your kid lied on this form and is probably violating his probation, we can call the court right now and see what your judge thinks about that." Which at that point caused them to sheepishly leave. When I got to the counter she told me that was not the first time in her career someone tried to do that to her.
That submarine imploding near the Titanic will never be not funny. Especially since the guy who designed it believed in the "move fast and break things" nonsense.
Every person on board paid a pretty penny to be on that sub, so no pity from me either (except perhaps for the teenager who was reportedly terrified to go on, but did it to please his rich prick father).
I worked security for a pro baseball stadium. Some guy and his teenage sons had front row season tickets behind home base. The boys were underage and openly drinking alcohol. We went to tell them the kids had to cut it out.
This guy (who was drunk too) throws a fit that we dared tell him what he could do. He starts shouting "do you know how much I pay for these tickets!? My sons can do whatever they want" blah blah blah.
I wave down the security head and he radios for the police to come deal with it. The man and his sons were marched out to boos from the crowd. They were ejected from the game and fined. They potentially lost their season ticket rights too, but I don't know for sure. I never saw them again though.
I'm a union organizer, so I got to see some truly golden moments. My favorite was during a campaign, we took over a Q&A session with a member of the C-suite present. In a previous meeting he tried to convince me of some bs, so I asked him directly "why did you lie to me?" during this take over. The look on his face was priceless, and it took him over a minute to respond pathetically with "I don't appreciate being called a liar"
About seven years ago when Trump was president the first time, my wife and I went to see Roger Waters in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
We bought 7th row seats but had looked at 1st row and they were something like $800 each so we passed. Well, day of the show and you can only imagine the massive vitriol spewing from Waters and the huge screen behind him for Trump. He had an inflatable pig drone with TRUMP on it flying around the arena and all kinds of elaborate props.
A group of four dressed in cowboy regalia, presumably MAGA, walked out from the front row, enthusiastically flipping Roger Waters off as they did it. The seats alone were $3200ish.
Roger Waters and Pink Floyd. What the hell did they expect?
Super rich guy tried to pick up my then girlfriend at an industry event after party kind of thing. She was not impressed by any of his shit. The look of disappointment on his face after showing off his $250k watch still makes me smile all these years later.
I do events, one of the events was a medical conference. We had an exec for a pharmaceutical company presenting and he wanted the entire stage layout changed 45 minutes before the presentation. Like completely different projectors, screens, mics, that sort of thing. Not a quick fix by any means. We told him it wasn’t possible, his response,
“Anything is possible if money and physics allow it, and I have money.”
Their pharmaceutical company wasn’t invited back to the next years event. We were.
That video of the rich prick at a coffee shop who throws something at the worker and then gets put in a headlock and held on the ground and struggles weakly
I have this pet theory about how people who learn that their privilege lets them bend or ignore human laws subconsciously believe that they can bend or ignore any law. So I always enjoy it when rich assholes buy super-cars and wrap them around trees, a surprisingly common occurrence, because the laws of physics aren't impressed by your financial portfolio.
Some prick in a Porsche demanded that he get to pick his own spot in the valet lot where I work. The valet guy just grinning and shaking his head while the rich dude had a meltdown was some good schadenfreude. Then i got the spot he wanted because the valet guy was my homie.
I only heard about it after it happened. Guy in the last year of high school said his parents wanted him to go to college but he probably wouldn’t because that was “stupid” or something similar. Girl in the group blew up on him because she desperately wanted an education and couldn’t afford tuition basically anywhere. She called him spoiled and selfish, I believe.
Donno how rich but Saw some model and photographer doing a photo shoot on a scenic overlook. They had a lot of equipment and she was doing wardrobe changes. Someone’s unattended large dog comes up right next to her and takes a big shit. Must’ve gone on for over a minute. While I cried laughing and they could hear me.
Some hospital royalty's grandparent needed ECT for their treatment resistant depression. Said royalty fought tooth and nail to let gamgam get her very first set of induced controlled seizures under surgical level anaesthesia done outpatient. The ECT doc said fuck no (you can do them outpatient, but you always do the first set inpatient case shit goes pear shaped). They then tried to get gamgam to spend her time in the fancy hospital rooms (yes that's a thing) instead of on the psych unit with us crazies. The ECT doc said no. This was also right after admin got mad at us for throwing out a piss soaked mattress. Don't want granny sleeping on somebody else's piss? Nobody should be sleeping on somebody else's piss. DEAL WITH IT you bourgeoisie bastards.
At a concert and saw the police approach and start questioning a young drunk guy (out doors, before show started). They basically said he had to leave on account of being too intoxicated and he started getting mouthy. I've never seen the police react so quickly the moment he finished saying, "My dad is a top class expensive lawyers and he'll have your asrses for this" - he was in the ground and handcuffed within seconds. In the next few seconds he was back on his feet and being escorted to the paddy wagon.
We took a trip to Chicago and decided to go to Navy Pier. Traffic was basically gridlocked and the car behind us was not happy that my friend didn't break the law and block an intersection. After the light turned green, the idiot took his massive, shiny, brand new, white pickup truck onto the SIDEWALK to cut in front of us.
When we got to the parking garage, there was a HUGE sign saying the clearance was 6ft 3in and tall vehicles needed to go to a different garage. The idiot didn't read it and, even with the windows shut, we heard the screeching and scraping of his roof on the top of the structure.
The best part was watching him back out, hearing more scraping, seeing his surprised pikachu face, and the disappointment on the face of the woman in the passenger seat.