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Do you wash your nice jeans?

I give them a wash when I first buy them, then never again unless they actually get something on them, which is very infrequent.

This question doesn't apply to jeans you're wearing to work in, and expect to get dirty.

  • Dirt, sweat, dead skin are all things that will get on the fabric just by wearing it. I'd rather have it regularly cleaned ;)

  • Raw denim I wash after a few weeks, normal ones I wash after a few days. I hate the idea of being dirty or smelly.

  • Yes. I also wash my nice boxers, my nice t-shirts, and dry clean my suits.

  • When I was still living in Europe where the weather is rather mild, I would go for 5-7 days without washing them (usually not consecutive days though), now that I'm in Asia, nothing lasts me more than a day.

  • Yes, but less frequently and on the gentlest cycle my washer can do. Also hang dry if possible then air tumble for 10min before folding and storing; heated dryers are the hardest things on clothes.

  • I have lots of nice jeans. I'm currently roating through some Onis Secret Denims and S.Da 45th anniversaries right now. Been into denim for a long time at this point. Even did the beach wash on my brand new APC PNSes in an /fa thread back in the day.

    At one point in time, right when I was checking Rawrdenim multiple times per day every day, I never washed 'em but once every year max. Nowadays, I wash about once or twice per month because I don't like high contrast fades and lifestyle changes (not a student anymore) make it so my jeans feel dirtier quicker. I just turn them inside out and wash separately with a half cap of Woolite Dark Defense and air dry.