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Hot labor summer: Growing strike movement colliding with pro-corporate union bureaucracies Hot labor summer: Growing strike movement colliding with pro-corporate union bureaucracies

A powerful strike movement has begun to emerge in the US and internationally in recent weeks, involving tens of thousands of workers across different industries, coming into headlong conflict with the union apparatuses.

Hot labor summer: Growing strike movement colliding with pro-corporate union bureaucracies
Politics Compass Inspector
Hot labor summer: Growing strike movement colliding with pro-corporate union bureaucracies
  • They are lucky Biden won. Trump would have disbanded the union, fired everyone, and banned them for life from employment in their trade as Reagan did.

    • If Trump did that, it would backfire tremendously. The labor situation during the air-traffic controller's strike and the situation now is very different.

      Worker's shouldn't cowardly back down from any "gloves off" fight, regardless of what bourgeois puppet is sitting in office.

      • Trump would outlaw unions, he'll it's probably part of his campaign. Next he will require everyone to work for tips!