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  • Tactical Breach Wizards. It's a nice little puzzle game with some dry humor that ive actually chuckled too a few times. Its a lot of fun so far.

    • Firewatch
    • Alice Madness Returns
    • Alan Awake
    • It Takes Two
    • Kingdom Two Crowns
  • I still haven't worked my way through the deals I got during last year's sales, and despite that I bought another dozen games on GOG this black week. So I'm trying to stay away from the Steam winter sale this year lest my backlog becomes such a behemoth it gives me uncontrollable anxiety.

  • Actually nothing this time. I got back into Elite Dangerous hard and play it pretty much every minute of my gaming time currently.

  • a few games i pirated earlier in the year, heh, and Pathologic 2, Lunacid (as of a few seconds ago), Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 (to check out the openrct2 mod), dwarf fortress, & Odallus the Dark Call.

  • I didn't pick up any of the deep discount items but I did pick up a few items on my wishlist. I picked up Mouthwashing, WitchSpring R, Little Kitty Big City, the Nonory game collection and Okami HD. I already have the last two but I wanted them in the Steam library so I can play them on my deck.

  • I got Life is Strange: Double Exposure. It was meh. Not super bad but had enough bugs to push it in that direction.

    After that I played The Excavation of Hob's Barrow which was phenomenal.

  • I got:

    Saints Row 2022 Not actually that bad honestly. I think we were too harsh on them. It's still fun, the characters are likeable, and it's got all the stuff you expect for a saints row game.

    CP Phantom Liberty Not gonna be able to get this played for a bit but I'm hopeful.

    Anemoiapolis I like backrooms and I got Pools a few weeks ago but got kind of bored so hopefully this one is better since it has actual puzzles.

    I'm spoilering these. You know what that means. Don't fucking @ me.

    Might get more idk.

  • Lots of CRPG and TRPG. A few experimental indie RTS. And a few indie auto-battlers. Plus a few casual co-op shooters. Oh, and some indie horror as well.

    I'm surprised no one has mentioned Caves of Qud or Path of Achra (I got them both). Aren't we hipster enough?

  • I took Age4 Sultans Ascend DLC and Cossacks 3 in previous sale before winter because I ended up with a bit more money. Somehow I didn't spent much money as usual in October, cook food on my own instead of buying cooked food.

    I don't really have any other wishlist now. Instead I really want to make my own rts game but I have not been able to be productive nor playing Cossacks 3. But I did spent a bit more time with Age4.

  • Outpost Infinity, Executive Assault and something that was cheap and on my wishlist for a long time, totalling BRL 89 (~15 dollars)

  • In total, the only 2 games I've gotten that I know we're part of the sail were Sonic Origins (with DLC) and Sonic Mania (with DLC). Would be playing them more if I wasn't having to message Steam back and forth trying to get an issue with my deck fixed, though.

  • Ara History Untold (a risky bet), Dustgrave, Errannorth Renaissance, and... back to playing Warframe!