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  • My mom is giving a Ouija board in the white elephant, and the person that opens it and loses it first will find it (an identical one) in their backseat when they leave like its haunting them.

  • So I don't care much for presents myself and I knew I won't get much if anything. So when I prepared the gifts for the children and the wife I also made two for me, in one I put in a orange and in the other one a banana. The family was surprised and we had a big lough about it and then I ate both :D

  • Puzzle box inside a ammo crate sealed with a variety of nuts inside a foot locker locked with a key i mixed in with 80 others. took a few hours :)

    • That just sounds like a good time

      • She got chocolates along the way, and at the end after she opened the puzzle box she got a 100 dollar gift card to a nice lil' french breakfast place so she was happy that the reward was worth the effort.

  • My parents gave me money for some horseback riding lessons, except the cash was in all 5's and each bill was individually ziploc'd and the bags were taped together in a long strip and I had to pull it out of this box with it all spooled up inside. Apparently it took my stepfather two days to complete. He wanted to do all 2 dollar bills, but the bank didn't have enough

  • I usually wrap up the presents inside a box, which I wrap up, which I wrap up, which I wrap up...

    Basically recursive present wrapping

  • We were going to bring a rotisserie chicken in a gift box for a white elephant gift exchange, but worried about it going bad.

  • Wrap a box with a bow and everything, but fill with paper trash. Empty solo cup, toilet paper roll, ramen wrapper, etc