God safe us indeed
20 0 Reply(But it'd be bad satire to repeat the joke)
10 0 ReplyJeebus that boy ain't right
7 0 ReplyThis post permanently lowered my IQ
62 0 ReplyWhat part of deoxyribonucleic acid do you not understand?
73 0 ReplyShould we point out that in this context it's 'save', not 'safe'? If you're going to correct someone's spelling, make sure your own is impeccable.
206 3 ReplyDeoxyribonucleic acid, for anyone wondering
162 0 ReplyDouglas Adams' middle name was "Noel", not "and".
22 0 Reply68 4 ReplyThis whole time i thought it was dioxy rizzz o nuke-in-your anus
3 0 Reply“God safe us” - irony right there especially when critical of someone else’s use of an acronym perhaps one’s own grasp of the English language should be a little better!!!
God save us ….
75 8 ReplyNucleic isn't a thing huh ? Can we send these people to a Gulag
26 1 ReplyScience jargon has always sounded so impressive until I took anatomy.
for example, the big hole in the bottom of your skull (where the spinal chord passes through) is called the “foramen magnum” which is Latin for ‘big hole’.
103 0 Reply73 1 ReplyDesoxyribose & Acid
Name a more iconic duo, I'm waiting
65 1 ReplyDNA is AND when you reverse it.
57 0 ReplyWhen, as we all know, it stands for n-BOOOOOP
2 0 ReplyI don't know what y'all are talking about. Personally, I enjoy Tits Nucleic Ass.
7 1 ReplyPretty sure it's Dinosaurs, Nucleaics & Acid.
32 0 ReplyI'm impressed by how much Cunningham's Law is in the comments. I can't tell if they don't get the joke, or if the joke is too deep and I'm the one missing it.
13 0 Reply"Desoxyriboandnukleicacid"
16 0 ReplyMy favorite part of the atom is the &uclease
13 0 ReplyIn Canadian it's DNeh?
9 1 ReplyD 'n A
10 0 ReplyDnF'nA
8 0 ReplyI think i'm having a stroke, because I have no fucking idea what's going on here
10 1 ReplyAnyone else ever heard someone refer to it as "Denna"? I did once and I just let it go. I wanted to see if it catches on in the wild.
7 0 ReplyYes, just like that volatile T&T that likes to go boom.
8 1 Reply"I DiD My OwN ReSeArCh! There's a meme about it!"
5 0 ReplyIt's pure and there's nine of em!
3 0 ReplyJust like in TNA,, I reckon. Stay in school.
5 0 ReplyDesoxyribo-antacid.
3 0 ReplyYo Shadow Raiders was a sick show
3 0 ReplyD&A stands for "Drug & Alcohol Evaluation" as in "Came in for D&A per PO"
3 1 ReplyHe thinks very high of himself for being an unemployed CEO.
3 0 ReplyAfter saving I’d like a quickload. Did too much bad shit
2 0 Reply