Battery prices are collapsing and we are at an inflection point where electric vehicles will soon be more economical to purchase, drive and maintain for a much greater number of people. This is as inevitable as the phaseout of coal.
Thanks to COVID and speeding mRNA research we are at the cusp of curing many auto-immune diseases. I'm 47 with a kid with diabetes and another with celiac. I'm confident both will be cured in my lifetime
Daytime energy is soon going to be free in much of the world. The advances in green tech, especially solar and batteries, are real. Much faster progress than even the optimists were predicting a decade ago. The revolution is reaching a tipping point where it becomes self-sustaining and requires no state subsidies. I am not a tech utopian, and this alone will not save us. But there's no denying it's good news. It's all happening far too late but it does look like humans are going to kick their fossil habit after all.
Thailand is set to legalise same sex marriage and Norway is set to ban ICE cars, both in 2025.
There's probably a lot of these small wins happening around the world. Let's keep an eye out for them so we don't lose all our hope for a better future.
People now about solar but I think most people don't know that the 21st century will become dominated by solar really fast. The growth will be exponential and in the coming decade we'll really see it happening at a ridiculous pace.
It'll also be really cheap and complemented by cheap storage. It always sounds like it's 50 years away but in reality electrification is coming in so fast and cheap where the developing world will leap frog fossil fuels.
All those early access games I bought will get updates in 2025.
I'm now on a Early Access conveyor belt. Every few months, something I've been waiting for gets a new update. I got like 10 games that I rotate between, with new ones being added and old ones getting dropped off.
The corporate real estate market is going to tank, people are going to turn their empty office building caused by everyone working from home into apartments, and rental prices are going to crash because of how desperate the corps are to bring in any money. Once rental market tanks, housing market tanks, and all those massive investment firms buying up neighborhoods are going to see their investment shrink like a cold Wang doodle. Expect crying ceo's and a massive government bailout in the next 4-7 yes for this exact scenario.
Humanity will probably die out in the next hundred years and the planet will finally be able to recover, even if it has to start over from microbes to get there.