In 1935, President Franklin Roosevelt created Social Security, an insurance contract between Americans and the federal government that pays out on certain life events. As a financial safety net, social security protects Americans from what Roosevelt called the “hazards and vicissitudes of life.” Roo...
True - and I think that drove a lot of his early popularity. His entire head is unfortunate and his name seems like a cruel joke. He embraced nerd things that are relative to my interests. Basic empathy and compassion kick in when you see something like that. From a first impression, he just seemed to have been dealt poor hand in life.
I'm pretty sure after you collect more money than you know what to do with, the flunkies you pay to yes-man you and take care of your needs is not enough. You start needing power and being worshiped. You've convinced yourself you're a genius so you ought to be in charge of the universe because you're so damn brilliant. You have a vision for the world and use your vast amounts of money to position yourself to achieve it. It's entirely onanistic; you don't know or care how your vision will actually affect people and economics, because you're so convinced your plan is perfect - if course it is, it's yours, right?