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  • If I choose to do something later, put it physically in the way.

    Trash needs taking out, but I'll do it in the morning? Put it in front of the door.

    It is both a reminder and an obstacle to overcome.

    • Are you my wife?

    • I call this “physical memory”. If you struggle with remembering things, you can organize your space to augment your memory. It’s VERY effective and is often simpler/easier than writing things down.

      Also, if you are living with someone who does this, for the love of god, do not move their stuff without asking. You are basically erasing part of their memory and setting them up for failure.

  • Disabled the Shorts section on YouTube with an extension. Drastically reduced spaced out doomscrolling.

  • Loosing weight starts at the supermarket.

    If you decide to buy sugary delicacies, you’ll have to resist the temptation at home, which you’ll inevitably fail. Just skip that boss fight entirely by not buying tempting things in the first place. Ok, maybe once a week, but certainly not every other day. You just need to resist the temptation for a few minutes at the store. Once you’re at home, you have no option but to eat normal food, because unhealthy food simply isn’t available.

  • taking vitamins, drinking green tea, daily 30 minuet walk and trying to learn something new each day even if its something small.